I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Bub on September 10, 2009, 07:51:53 AM

Title: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: Bub on September 10, 2009, 07:51:53 AM
One day I feel great--- one top of the world  :2thumbsup;

Other days I feel horrible and can hardly walk around :thumbdown;

I never know what kind of day I am going to have.  I still work full time and on good days I feel like I can go on like this forever.  When I am having a bad day I am useless at work and have even fallen asleep at my desk.  On those days I make up my mind to file for disability, but by the time that gets around, I am feeling much better and decide to stick with it a while longer.

I had a terrible day yesterday and feeling good today.  Just dont know what to do.
Title: Re: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: willowtreewren on September 10, 2009, 08:00:29 AM
Hang on to that roller coaster and RIDE!

No, really, I think in some ways many of us are on that ride with you. Do what you can when you can and accept that there will be times that aren't so great.

Best wishes.

Title: Re: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: KICKSTART on September 10, 2009, 08:12:41 AM
I know exactly what you mean ! I presume you do hemo? I found i never got that with PD, i may have had a glitch or two, but pretty much stayed constant.
Title: Re: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: paul.karen on September 10, 2009, 09:13:22 AM
Bud i am with you 100%

Thoughts of disability have been in my head the last few months.  Although i cant fathom the thought of sitting at home all day long.  Then again at work i run./manage a business it gets so hectic.
I heard if your on disability you can make up to an extra $800 a month.  I just got my SS letter where they tell you how much you will make on disability which sadly for me is MORE now then if i wait to retire at age 64??  Go figure.

So i have been thinking i can get medicare?
I can collect a decent amount on disability?
get a part time job for up to $800 a month.
And only lose X amount of dollars in the long run.

But im not ready yet i dont think.
Then i get pissed of thinking how many people collect disability that dont even deserve it.  While people like us who are truly sick try so hard to keep up a normal life.
It is a CRAZY cycle huh.

I figure ill try to hold out another year or so and see what happens with taxs how much they go up and then decide what to do.  I truly dont want to pay into the system half of what i work so hard to make.
Title: Re: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: silverhead on September 10, 2009, 04:33:04 PM
You can get disability, but you have to wait 2 years from when you file to get Medicare........
Title: Re: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: Bub on September 11, 2009, 01:23:07 PM
Paul.Karen you understand me.  I just dont know what to do.  I have the same general plans and I understahd we can make up to $940 per month on disability.  Working part time would be very good for me, but the with the economy so tough I wonder if I could find something.  I just keep putting it off for a few months unable to make up my mind.

Silverhead, ESRD is a special case and you become eligible for medicare as soon as you start dializing permanently.  I delayed applying for medicare (out of ignorance)and finally have my application in.  I should have medicare in addition to my private insurance by October.

Aleta I am hanging on!
Title: Re: It's All One Big Rollercoaster Ride for Me
Post by: thegrammalady on September 11, 2009, 04:40:39 PM
You can get disability, but you have to wait 2 years from when you file to get Medicare........

esrd is a medicare approved dissability. i was on medicare 4 months after diagnosis and on disability 9 months after diagnosis (each state is different when it comes to disability).