I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: KICKSTART on September 10, 2009, 05:28:26 AM

Title: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: KICKSTART on September 10, 2009, 05:28:26 AM
We dont do dialysis for fun and we do it for LIFE. Well today ive been condemned to a life of migraines. I told you how the lights set them off. Anyway today they agreed to put me in the 'Snug' a little side room and i sat with the lights off and just normal daylight and BINGO not even a headache !!!! So as i was coming off , sister popped her head round the door and i said today was great no headache , deffo no migraine so was there any chance of staying in there for my dialysis? Yes, you already know the answer ...NO . Now as far i as know no one much likes it in there as you are a little out of the way and 99% of my shift just sleep (ive told you they are all oldies) so what harm would i be doing ? Ok they might need it for certain things , but mostly they just put anyone in there. So i asked what she suggested then? Her answer get one of those eye masks. Now WHO wants to sit in the dark for 4 hours? (i dont sleep) I like to read or use the net or my nintendo. So now it looks like migraines all the time. I wish they would remember just how much of our lives are spent doing dialysis.
Ps i took some sunglasses just to try but they didnt take enough of the glare off the lights.
Title: Re: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: billybags on September 10, 2009, 07:02:44 AM
ok kickstart, think back, when did these migrains start. Do you normally suffer from them, is it in the last week that you have been doing Hemo, when was it? if it is normal to get them doing Hemo ask why, there has to be a reason.
Title: Re: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: YLGuy on September 10, 2009, 07:04:33 AM
It sounds like you need that room.  There isn't somebody above the nurses you write to regarding your situation? Or above them, or above them? Onward and upward does work sometimes.
Title: Re: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: silverhead on September 10, 2009, 07:52:12 AM
Here is something to point out to them, an optometrist friend of mine told me about an experiment they did in his training involved connecting an oscilloscope to the optic nerve of the eye, under normal incandescent light they had a normal "flat" line on the monitor, under fluorescent light they had a display of spikes on the screen in time to the 60 cycle electricity, the fluorescent lights actually turn on and off 60 times per second, it is so rapid you are not aware of it, but your brain sees it and has to compensate, so no wonder people get headaches, especially after 4 hours of uninterrupted abuse, you obviously are more sensitive than others, but no reason why they cannot accommodate your needs. go shopping for a witch's hat to help block the light and make a statement.......       
Title: Re: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: KICKSTART on September 10, 2009, 08:14:01 AM
ok kickstart, think back, when did these migrains start. Do you normally suffer from them, is it in the last week that you have been doing Hemo, when was it? if it is normal to get them doing Hemo ask why, there has to be a reason.

Its the lights!
Title: Re: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: nursewratchet on September 10, 2009, 10:08:18 AM
Talk to the Dr. and the Administrator.  Together preferably.  As far as nurses not remembering, there is a syndrome called "CRS"  that we all have.  "Can't remember Shit".  Some lay people have it as well, but I think nurses get it after nursing school.  No cure at all.  :banghead;
Title: Re: Why cant nurses remember
Post by: paddbear0000 on September 10, 2009, 03:15:04 PM
Fluorescent lights drive my eyes bonkers too. I've also been getting migraine strength headaches after dialysis recently as well, but I've been on dialysis since February, but the headaches just started so I seriously doubt mine are light related. My bp has, however, gotten a lot higher recently, which may be the problem. The doc is trying me a a beta blocker on top of my ace inhibitor to see if that helps. if no one listens, there are organizations out there that advocate for dialysis patients who may be able to help you.