I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: momskeeper on September 09, 2009, 06:35:45 AM

Title: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: momskeeper on September 09, 2009, 06:35:45 AM
Good Morning Friends - Well, I will share with you what I learned yesterday at mom's dialysis, and perhaps you can give me some insight.  I apologize if I don't know what to ask, but this journey is still so very new to me.

Here were her blood results from 08/25, and some of the information the dietitian shared with me. 
Albumin was 3.1 and nPCR 0.69.  She told me this was related to her protein and was very low, so I am adding more protein to her diet in the form of eggs, turkey, chicken, and am thinking of a protein supplement.  However, since both of her kidneys have been removed, the fluids are a big concern also.  They told me she could gain no more than 2.2 kg (5 lbs) between treatments and that the fluids are going to be a big issue - hence the protein supplement drink may not be a good idea.  She only gained 2 kg from SA to TU, so we did pretty good there !!  Iron was down, but they said they were adding that during dialysis.

The phosphorus was 3.8, so we are doing good so far in that area.  Her potassium was high at 5.6, but before we had contact with any dietitian she was eating a lot of things in this area that she should not have eaten, so hopefully with the next check it will be better. 

She got home from dialysis last night about 7:30, and ate just a small bowl of cereal as she was not feeling good.  This morning she is quite nauseated and throwing up, along with some diarrhea (YUK !!).  I have convinced her to eat a half a bagel and just a couple slices of canned peaches, but she is quite sick this morning.  This seems to be our biggest issue, the sickness, but I am hoping this will come under control as she continues on with dialysis and her blood gets cleaner.  I do believe she had poor kidney function in her one remaining kidney prior to its removal for quite a while, as she was very, very sick before they decided to take it out.  Any ideas to help with the nausea would be greatly appreciated for now.
You are all my new BFF's.  I just want my mom to feel better !!   :thx;    Nancy
Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: willowtreewren on September 09, 2009, 07:09:10 AM

Here is that good link from Okarol about nutrition:

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=15594.0 (http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=15594.0)

We don't eat canned peaches, but I can't remember if it is because of dietary restrictions or not. I'm just used to what we buy for food! You may find that once your mom is getting regular dialysis, some of the restrictions will ease up. Let's hope!

The nausea may be because of pulling off too much fluid, too fast. The body has to re-balance the fluid in the tissues. Here again, this may get better as they get a better idea of your mother's dry weight (her "real" weight without the fluid retention caused by renal failure). This is a bit tricky and it can change over time due to true weight loss and gain.

Anemia is an on-going issue with renal patients. In addition to adding iron during treatment (which may also cause nausea), she may be getting Epogen shots.

Keep reading through the threads here and asking questions. Many folks know far more about this stuff than I do, and I hope they weigh in with help, too.

Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: momskeeper on September 09, 2009, 07:49:50 AM
Aleta -

Thank you.  I printed the information and added it to my folder of goodies !!  I chose the canned peaches because they were on the list that they gave me, but as I gain information I will be substituting some of these things for better choices. 

I feel fortunate as I have a job that I do from home, now I just have to learn what I am doing here !!  I am reading over recipes and trying to put together a grocery list.  I look forward to a time when it becomes a little more second nature, I'm sure it will come !! 

 :) Nancy
Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: paul.karen on September 09, 2009, 07:53:32 AM
Hello momskeeper and welcome to IHD.

I learned when shopping to shop along the outside isles of the store.  Where most everything is fresh so to say.  As you get into the center of the store you get into the prepackaged not so good for us foods.
 Good luck with everyhting.
Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: Rerun on September 09, 2009, 08:03:48 AM
I still think you should order a six-pack of the nutrition drink "Nepro". 1-800-986-8502. You can get a six pack or a case.  Try a six pack first. I like the Butter Pagan but they have berry and vanilla.  Keep it in the fridge so it is cold for her.  When she doesn't feel well it is a good cold drink with high protein low potassium and phosphorus.  Keep it for situations like this when you know she should have something but she wants nothing. 

The big key to fluid is low salt.  Cook with Mrs. Dash.  Great stuff!  Mrs. Dash on eggs!  YUMMY

So far Phosphorus is not a problem, but make sure she takes a binder with high phosphorus meals like a bagel.  Do you have some binders on hand?  High protein also means foods with phosphorus.  Kind of a double edge sword.  You need the chicken for protein but it does have phosphorus.

Yes, you have to learn the high potassium foods.  Bananas, Oranges, Potatoes, etc... 
If you cut up your potato and soak it over night in a huge pot of water it will leach some of the potassium out.  You can ask your dietition about that.

You cannot learn everything at once, so just keep reading and asking.  You are doing well.  You mother is lucky to have you.
Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: aharris2 on September 09, 2009, 07:49:32 PM
She got home from dialysis last night about 7:30, and ate just a small bowl of cereal as she was not feeling good.  This morning she is quite nauseated and throwing up, along with some diarrhea (YUK !!).

Hi momskeeper, I hope your mom is feeling better. Keep in mind that with vomiting and diarrhea, there is fluid loss which needs to be made up. Be careful, it is a balancing act. We are all here for you!

Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: Hanify on September 09, 2009, 09:27:28 PM
I have a protein powder that I put in coffee or on other food.  I hate the drinks so they suggested the powder.
Title: Re: Some Information from Yesterday's Dialysis
Post by: RichardMEL on September 10, 2009, 05:23:35 AM
Just a thought that occurs - if she is throwing up a lot that contains a bit of fluid, so I think it is a good idea to HAVE a drink when that happens to rehydrate her. You don't want to get dehydration for fear of having too much fluid. Just something to keep in mind.

If this is the first time the dietician saw her(and you) then clearly as you adjust the diet appropriately and dialysis stabalises things should get better all around. I am certain when she gets stable the majority of the nausea and throwing up etc should disappear.