I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: tyefly on August 13, 2009, 06:55:25 PM

Title: preperation for H1N1 virus
Post by: tyefly on August 13, 2009, 06:55:25 PM
  I was wondering what everyone has done so far in prep for the possible H1N1 outbreak....  Food storage,,, dialysis supplies,, water,,  mask,,  alcohol......    just wanted to find out what some of you have done to prepare or has anyone even thought about this......   
Title: Re: preperation for H1N1 virus
Post by: Hanify on August 13, 2009, 11:45:31 PM
It's been rampant here - it's our flu season now.  I work at a school and we had more than half the kids away with it not long ago.  I was gonna stay away, but eventually realised I was gonna get it either way, so kept going to work.  Also my daughter goes to my school, so it would only work if I kept her away too.  I didn't do anything other than do more hand washing and try to be careful.  If I've had to go to the emergency dept or doc I've worn a mask.
Title: Re: preperation for H1N1 virus
Post by: RightSide on August 14, 2009, 07:45:33 AM
One thing I did, was fill a prescription for oral Zemplar.

I need Zemplar to control my PTH level.  Normally I get Zempler IV in the line during dialysis.

If I get so sick from the flu that I'm forced to miss a couple of dialysis sessions, I want to be able to take Zemplar orally as a substitute.
Title: Re: preperation for H1N1 virus
Post by: Bill Peckham on August 14, 2009, 11:03:44 AM
One thing I did, was fill a prescription for oral Zemplar.

I need Zemplar to control my PTH level.  Normally I get Zempler IV in the line during dialysis.

If I get so sick from the flu that I'm forced to miss a couple of dialysis sessions, I want to be able to take Zemplar orally as a substitute.

That's a good tip.

  I was wondering what everyone has done so far in prep for the possible H1N1 outbreak....  Food storage,,, dialysis supplies,, water,,  mask,,  alcohol......    just wanted to find out what some of you have done to prepare or has anyone even thought about this......   

I have been working to increase pandemic preparation in the renal community since 2007. Back then it was the H5N1 virus that focused the mind but as was said at the time it could be a different flavor of flu that goes pandemic first. I know my efforts have paid of here in Seattle at the Northwest Kidney Centers but beyond that I am very disappointed that it was not thought about more seriously.

Personally - I have on hand 2 weeks to a month of supplies at all times. That means when I receive my NxStage supplies I have supplies. If the supply distribution chain was disrupted I could hold out.

I have hundreds of N95 masks in my size to give to others and use but my primary respirator is a half plate reusable p-100 respirator. I am prepared to drive people to dialysis (so long as there is gas) or help out a unit (if there is a staff shortage) for the duration.

I have months of food stored by expiration date - I started this in 2006 so I have made many donation to the food bank as the dates neared. I am supremely thankful every time I can make a donation because it means I have not had to use them (and they are thankful too because they say things like - this is good stuff - high protein, low salt quality food).

I have a COSTCO sized stash of over the counter medicines for friends and neighbors and myself.

Over the last couple years I have stockpiled pain meds. When I have surgeries I try to get by on Tylenol so if I need to I can take the Oxycodine. Early June I had to take myself off dialysis - extreme chills, body aches, head ache, cough. My lower back hurt beyond any experience. I almost called 911 - almost pushed the button on the Medic Alert pendent. It was as close as I have ever come. I decided that going to a hospital by ambulance on a Saturday night would have been crazier than the risk of dying on the living room floor. I took myself off dialysis, turned on the house heat which had been off for months, put on three layers, and took two Oxycodines before collapsing on the living room pull out couch. I am very glad I had the pain meds. I'm glad I still have them.

Title: Re: preperation for H1N1 virus
Post by: Romona on August 14, 2009, 01:36:30 PM
Bill, I like the way you help others. I also like the Food Bank donations.

I work at a long term care facility. At times I am asked to order and store additional supplies for use by staff. I had over stocked masks during the Bird Flu panic. I had just started to use the last of the masks that I was asked to store when I was asked to stock masks again for H1N1. I got called today for masks. There is an unconfirmed case. An employee may have it. This is just the begining. All staff had to fill out a questionaire about how they are feeling. The building the staff worked in is in social isolation. Only staff assugned to that unit are to enter or exit.
Title: Re: preperation for H1N1 virus
Post by: kitkatz on August 16, 2009, 02:45:25 PM
I have hand sanitizer in my classroom and I use it regularly and make the kids use it too. I wipe down the classroom periodically with Lysol disinfectant wipes. I am trying to tell the kids to stay home if they are sick. My aide and I agreed we would stay home if we are sick.