I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Brightsky69 on August 06, 2009, 05:53:27 PM

Title: how do you answer this????
Post by: Brightsky69 on August 06, 2009, 05:53:27 PM
Hello everyone  :waving;

There is one question I keep getting that I kind of bothers me. I have boyfriend of 6+ years. Granted he is far from perfect but he has his good side. He does get rid of my drain bag and stuff every morning...so I don't have to lift it. And he reminds me to take my binders at each meal....most of the time.
Anyway...getting back to the question.
People will ask me "Why doesn't your boyfriend get tested??? Doesn't he love you enough to do that??"  How the heck am I supposed to answer that?? Most people tell me..."If it were my wife/husband, I wouldn't think twice about getting tested." 
I always say.."well...it takes a special person to be a donor."  Then I think to myself...I guess my BF isn't one of those special people.  Then I start to think...heck, why doesn't he even WANT to get tested??
As a girl growing up I always thought I would be in love with someone who loved me so much they would be like my knight in shinning armor....willing to save my life in need be.
I guess that was just a silly dream.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: willowtreewren on August 06, 2009, 06:01:04 PM
Brightsky, You have been with this wonderful guy for 6 years. And he cares for you as he shows you in the things he does for you. He is already a special person. But offering a kidney is huge. Not every one can do it. Even though I'm trying to bring my functioning up enough to try again, I still have nagging doubts about whether I will actually go through with it. Surgery scares the heck out of me. I have had so many surgeries since I was a little girl. There could be all sorts of things holding your guy back.

If it really, really bothers you that he hasn't offered to be tested, maybe you should sit down with him and just have a heart to heart. Not that you are trying to pressure him into it, but you are curious since people ask and you don't know how to answer.

Whatever happens, I wish you the best.

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 06, 2009, 06:04:27 PM
I know the powers will jump down my throat for this.  I thought sure I'd learned to stay out of situation like this, but I don't think you really need an answer to why he won't... (reread what aleta said) and if you do need that answer maybe you need to ask yourself why is he my boyfriend?   Is it for a kidney?

Stone me now people.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Wenchie58 on August 06, 2009, 06:14:18 PM
I think my answer to that question would be a simple one.  "I don't know...you would have to ask him."

There are many forms of love.  If you enjoy what you have with him, then enjoy it.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: kellyt on August 06, 2009, 06:40:07 PM
He's the only one who can answer that, so you should direct them to him.  Don't fault him.  My best friend (at the time) never offered, never inquired as to the status of my donors that were testing, nothing!   The last time I talked to her was when she visited me in the hospital after transplant (Nov) and then briefly in Feb. when she stopped by to pick some papers up for her husband (maybe 15 min. visit).  I'm not upset with her specifically because she didn't "offer", I'm upset because she basically didn't give a crap about my situation at all.  Your boyfriend seems to be involved and obviously has his reasons.  Maybe you should ask him though?  Maybe he doesn't realize he can donate to you?  I found that A LOT of people think you have to be a blood relative to be a "living donor".    We need to educate!     :cheer:

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: okarol on August 06, 2009, 06:44:21 PM

Maybe he's afraid of commitment?
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: TiffanyJean on August 06, 2009, 06:46:25 PM
I think my answer to that question would be a simple one.  "I don't know...you would have to ask him."

There are many forms of love.  If you enjoy what you have with him, then enjoy it.

I think Wenchie is right on the money, so is Aleta. Being a donor - especially a kidney donor - is a big thing, bigger than most people really realize. when your not in the situation then its really easy to say "If it were my wife/husband, I wouldn't think twice about getting tested."  But once your in it - there are lots of things to consider - granted ive offered to be tested to be a donor; maybe not for Richie i'm not the right blood type for him, but i will donate at some point.

We have a friend who is always apologizing to us because he just doesn't feel comfortable donating a kidney (he feels bad because he donates blood at least once a month.) He's O just like riche, and he knows how hard this has been on all of us. it's a very personal decision.

Take care!


Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 06, 2009, 06:50:07 PM
I believe that answers to these philosphical questions usually reside within ourselves. 
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: okarol on August 06, 2009, 07:02:31 PM

I found the hardest part of hoping for a donor was when people would not mention anything about testing or donors or being the slightest bit interested. If some of our family members had said, "I wish I could but I can't" it would be better than saying nothing at all. But to the people who did say that, or did offer, I owe them so much - because they gave me hope that someday, someone would come through.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: funnygarcia on August 06, 2009, 07:08:57 PM
It could be that he isn't aware of even being a possible donor.
I've found that family and friends really have no clue when it comes to the transplant process.
People assume you need to be related to have that perfect match, they think the surgery is too much to tolerate, they worry about "what if my child needed a kidney later and now I don't have one to give", worried will have to pay medical costs... dozens of reasons and doubts that bar them from offering. 

For me it was a simple choice, he needed one.. I had one.
Does it make me special? Not really.

I did my research to know about the surgery, the testing process, the risks. For people who can't grasp the medical jargon it can be overwhelming.

My MIL told me she would only donate to her kids, never to a spouse or a friend.
But she's kind of odd, she also said that she wouldn't "allow" her adult children to donate to her own son. HUH? I didn't understand that one.

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: RichardMEL on August 06, 2009, 07:10:23 PM
Wow some great posts in here already.

To me in just reading what you've said clearly he cares a great deal and isn't scared off by the dialysis/kidney failure stuff. You've been together 6 years. Someone mentioned "commitment" and well I suppose after that length of time people must be wondering if marriage is on the cards or has even been discussed. Kidney donation though is a huge huge thing for anyone to contemplate. I am not sure that his not offering makes him any less of a man or a partner to you... some people just can't conceive of such a situation, while to others it wouldn't be a question. Maybe he thinks a cadaveric transplant will come along soon? Maybe he doesn't think he could be a match (are your blood groups the same?). I definitely agree that if this really IS an issue for you that you simply sit down with him and ask. Of course this is a very difficult thing to do. I know in all the transplant discussions we've had down here they have always suggested to NOT "ask" because that act in itself is a form of pressure on them and they may feel like they should say yes (even if they are not comfortable with it) rather than it being suggested that they don't love you or something if they're not willing to donate. I have 3 nephews who in theory could be some sort of matches. 1 of them is a freakin doctor, and his father(my uncle) actually does live donor transplants at my hospital (!)... none of them have offered or even said a word though the thought MUST have occured to them. Am I bitter or pissed off? No, not really... it is a choice we all make (and we have never really been that close -sadly)

I also think you need to consider what is paramount for you in importance - the relationship or the kidney? I think I'd rather have a great relationship than worry about if they wanted to donate to me or not. It does seem strange that it hasn't come up or he hasn't aparently said anything about it during the time - you'd think your need for a kidney and all that would have come up multiple times in your relationship.

You need to do what feels right and comfortable for you in terms of your relationship - and that includes asking him about it up front, or not. You seem generally pretty happy with the relationship so maybe this is not something that should come between you two (hopefully).

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: petey on August 06, 2009, 08:09:15 PM
We have had 10 people tested to be a living donor for Marvin (if you include me -- and I was his donor in 2000).  Eight of the others have either been close friends or ones from my family.  I have a relatively "small" family -- one sister, one brother, two nephews (ages 20 and 17), and my parents (and my dad threw a fit when they wouldn't test him -- he's 73, very overweight, and diabetic -- hello, Daddy, can you guess why you didn't make it past the telephone interview?  but, what a sweet man he is).  Anyway, Marvin comes from a large family -- five siblings and 37 nieces and nephews (half of them are over 21, and quite a few of them are my age).  I have always wondered why no one from Marvin's side of the family (except one niece -- and she was adopted) has ever offered to be tested.  However, I have never asked them this question, and neither has Marvin.  Marvin says he could never, never, never ask anyone to be tested; he says it's a personal choice, and each person has his/her own reasons for offering or for not offering.  It's their bodies, their kidneys, their convictions, their fears, their reasons, their choices -- according to Marvin.  He has never questioned their not offering; he says he was shocked (but touched beyond words) that the ones who did offer to be tested did so.

As one who was tested as a living donor and eventually became one, I can tell you this: In my soul, I knew it was the right thing for ME to do.  But, we're all different.

If you have a good relationship (and it sounds like you do), would asking your BF why he hasn't offered put a wedge in that relationship?  Do you think that he would feel pressured if you asked?  Does it matter if others outside your relationship understand his reason for not offering?  Is it really, really bothering you?  Not knowing the full scope of your relationship, I can't answer these questions.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: cariad on August 06, 2009, 08:11:57 PM
It's probably just the bitter old lady in me, but I would ask these people why they think it is any of their business. This to me is such a monumentally rude question it really makes "Why don't you two have children yet?" seem straight out of Miss Manners. I would not even encourage that question with any sort of polite, canned answer. Unless these are extremely close friends, and then I might be willing to get into a "I've wondered that, too" conversation.

The problem I see with telling people to ask your boyfriend is that they just might do it, and I don't think it is fair to him to have to constantly field that question from outsiders. I do think it is ok for you to ask, since you are wondering. It will more than likely be awkward, though. Good luck!
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: kellyt on August 06, 2009, 08:17:52 PM
Good point.   Plus, have these people who are so interested in why your boyfriend hasn't tested offered to test themselves?

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: RichardMEL on August 06, 2009, 08:27:21 PM
definitely good points!
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: petey on August 06, 2009, 09:15:15 PM
It's probably just the bitter old lady in me, but I would ask these people why they think it is any of their business. This to me is such a monumentally rude question it really makes "Why don't you two have children yet?" seem straight out of Miss Manners.

Off topic...but this reminded me of Marvin's old aunt and her questions.  We tried for years and years to have children, but it never happened.  Every time I saw Marvin's old auntie, she would say, "So, when are you going to start a family?"  I didn't want to be disrespectful, but I also didn't want to discuss our infertility issues with her.  So, I'd answer, "We are a family, Auntie.  We're a family of two -- just me and Marvin."

But, the next time I saw her, she asked again..."When are you going to start a family?"  It was a sensitive issue for me (as we both desperately wanted children), and I found myself telling her each time that we were a family even without little ones.  Bless her heart; she's dead and gone now.  But, all of my memories of her center around her insensitivity to me and this question.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: effinxmandy on August 06, 2009, 09:56:52 PM
I really hope I'm not repeating myself here, I haven't read all the posts so bare with me!

First and foremost, a kidney doesn't equal love. You have NO IDEA how many people I've talked to when they've learned I've worked in dialysis and try to educate them on organ donation, that they could never do it. And it always starts out the same "It's not that I don't love them to death..." but there is always that BUT! Fear of surgery, fear of ending up on dialysis if the one good kidney fails, ect. It's a huge thing to ask for (or even offer!)  and donor surgery is far more risky, because the shock to the body of the donor is greater. It takes much longer for them to recover, believe it or not.

Secondly, you say he changes your bag and reminds you take your binders, ect. This is someone who's seen firsthand someone struggling with kidney failure, which brings me back to one of the things I mentioned before: losing their one good kidney and ending up on dialysis. Think about, if probably scares the crap out of him!

I don't think he's being selfish and I don't think him not offering to get tested equals how much he loves you. He wouldn't stick around if he didn't  ;) It's a major surgery with a lot of risks and complications and recovery, and like (most) everyone I've ever talked to about organ donation, most are even uncomfortable of the thought of donating even after they die, let alone alive.

So please don't dwell on this! It's none of their business anyway! Actions speak louder than words, and I truly think if they were in the same situation as you, they wouldn't be so quick to make themselves look like saints.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: fluffy on August 06, 2009, 10:06:32 PM
my girlfriend has offered, but i know that there are risks. and i would never risk her health in any way. Personally id rather have her love and company than a transplanted kidney.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Jean on August 06, 2009, 11:38:37 PM
I think fluffy has the right answer for you. That is how I feel about it too and I have been offered a kidny by at least 5 people. I am just too old. But, If this guy has stuck with you this long, he cant be a bad guy, ( I dont mean that aginst you, I just mean most men these days are so afraid of commitment). But, if it would make you feel better, then I would go ahead and chat with him about it.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: twirl on August 07, 2009, 03:15:37 AM
I have a twin sister who will not test for me
I have a friend I grew up with, as a sister, and she will not test
I have a husband who wants to test but he has had high blood pressure all his life
I have three friends who want to test
I guess you never know
but I would feel like you do
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: RichardMEL on August 07, 2009, 04:23:25 AM
Reading Mandy's post made me think of something else he (the bf) may feel...  what if he gets sick because of the transplant and can't be as much support to you anymore?

I know when my sister's transplant evaluation finished and she was knocked back I was actually *relieved* - because I knew that deep down no matter how much I understood that it was her decision and desire to donate even knowing the potential risks etc, that I would feel horribly responsible should anything go wrong down the track.. and like most posters here I wouldn't want to do that to someone I loved or put them in a potential situation to have to go through what I am (ie: kidney failure/dialysis) - while it is a remote chance to be sure, there would still be that risk. So, I was happy(in a way) when they said no.

I also agree with the idea that kidney donation does NOT equal LOVE. and lack of it does not mean there is love also. Absolutely.

It's funny but I was up the other night and I saw the Eddie Murphy comedy on TV "Coming to America" - now while it's a fun film the serious point of it is the idea that the Prince wanted to find someone who apprieciated and loved him for who he was and what he gave to her as a person, not that he was a rich prince - and of course he got that in the end.. but it strikes me that this is really what this is about - if you love someone it shouldn't be because of what they can do for you (kidney, money, great sex.. oh wait.. maybe great sex is a different issue  :rofl;) but for who they are and how you are with them. If they're rich, or offer a kidney, or whatever... that's kind of like the bonus in a way.

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: monrein on August 07, 2009, 04:40:16 AM
I sort of look at it the other way round.  I was amazed by those who offered to be tested, I found their generosity overwhelming in the extreme and very unexpected.  I completely understand those who are too nervous, etc.  I do agree with Karol however that it is helpful if people are able to just say that they wish they could.  One of my best friends told me that he wanted me to know that he wasn't sure that he'd be able to donate (I don't know any person more queasy about all things medical) but he'd be hiding in a cupboard somewhere and if no one else stepped up then he would.  I appreciated his honesty and I let him know that I completely understood his dilemma.   It was a very real dilemma for him as he is someone who would "do anything" for me and has been an amazing and dependable friend since I was 18.  Not stepping up as a potential donor or even backing out after offering is not, to my way of thinking, a selfish act.  I think it's far more complex than that and reluctance to donate or test can be painful also to the person himself.  Being torn in different directions by fears that pummel the desire to do an amazing thing for someone else can't be easy.  Are there many on this board who, prior to being diagnosed and entering this weird world of ESRD, stepped forward as organ donors of any kind?  Some people are simply incredible and they are living donors.  It's not that those who can't are particularly selfish, they're in fact quite normal I think.   It's that those who do step up are particularly selfless, generous, and able to get past the gore of it all.  They deserve all the recognition and gratitude we have in us but those who can't don't deserve our judgments. 

In my opinion no one owes us their spare kidney, not even those who may love us and I think we have to be careful about the difference between education and pressure.  My husband still talks about donating altruistically to a stranger and I try to discourage him (when he dies all is up for grabs) because of my own selfishness I guess but I don't want to go through any more medical thing in my family and I'd be afraid for both of us, despite all that I know to be factual about low risk.  I shouldn't have to explain and justify these feelings  and they may indeed change over time but for now I don't like the idea. 

I also think I might turn that question right back to the questioner and enquire about their testing status.   
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: paul.karen on August 07, 2009, 05:35:01 AM
Is it possable he has been tested already without you knowing?
Maybe he is a different blood type or maybe he was tested and came up positive for something that prevents him from being a donor.  And he ddint want to get your hopes up.  Just a different viewpoint.

Six years is a nice relationship  :thumbup;

I have been with Karen for 13 years and we are not married.  Marriage is a reason to get divorced IMO.  And there are other reasons people dont get married.  Love has no boundaries.

I am glad you have a partner to be there to help you through the tough times as well as with dialysis.  This is a great thing.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Des on August 07, 2009, 05:40:29 AM
I have read through all the posts ..... I would still feel dissapointed and somehow let down if the person closest to me did not even mention it or discuss it at least.
If I love someone and I know I can better their lives somehow... I will try all that is possible... I will overlook the scared, the pain and the discomfort and do whatever it takes to help.  I would want that from my husband/lover/companian.

I won't ask him for a kidney.... If he doesn't offer it .... I would be sad.

My hubby is not able to donate because he has heart problems........ but I know that he would if he was able to.

After all things said I just want to let you know... I am sorry that he hasn't even talked about it. I hope you can somehow get through this.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: jpearce on August 07, 2009, 01:55:35 PM
With me and my hubby, he hasn't been tested and nor do I want him to be. I don't want to take that risk, I am unable to work so he's the bread winner here and if something happened to him, I don't even want to think about it. Talk to your man, once the door is opened things seem to happen. Good Luck
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: LightLizard on August 07, 2009, 03:24:45 PM
well, i've decided that i don't want a transplant at all. my wife, only recently, suggested that she should be tested to see if we're compatible, kidney-wise. i won't have it. the problem with a transplant, as far as i can see, is the anti-rejection drugs one must take after the transplant. basically, shutting down the immune system is an invitation to all manner of diseases. i'll stick with dialysis, until an artificial kidney becomes available or stem cell research bears some edible fruit, thanks.
plus, how would you feel if something happened to your donor's remaining kidney after the transplant?
your boyfriend has stuck with you through a very trying time in your lives. that should account for a great deal i would think. there are many that wouild not stay around under such circumstances.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 07, 2009, 03:46:19 PM
Ask if you must... but be prepared for his honest answer and keep in mind it may or may not be the answer you were wishing for.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Goofy on August 08, 2009, 09:34:17 AM
i agree with the people who think that its none of anyones business as to why he hasn't offered.  That's a very rude question.  I'm curious to know if it bothered you before that he didn't offer or did people start to make you think....yeah, why didn't he offer?  The only person to know that is him.  I would imagine if he felt comfortable telling you, he would.

I only have one sister who had a brain aneurysm so she can't donate.  My husband has a very large family.  We've been married 33 years, yet no one in his family has ever offered or even said they'd like to.  It has bothered me for a long time.  I've done so much for his family and it really hurts me that no one seems to care about me.

I've really had to work on getting that out of my mind.  I started treating everyone differently; I found myself withdrawing from him family and then I thougt about it.  I can't be upset with anyone.  Donation is a BIG decision.  I'm sure everyone has their reason why they don't offer. 

So unless you ask him about it, I would try to get it out of your head.  I believe it will only bring bitter feelings.  Next time someone asks why he doesn't get tested, just tell them.........."I'm not sure.  Why don't you ask him."
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Phraxis on August 08, 2009, 04:40:03 PM
Two isssues wrapped up in the thread. "Why he has not been tested" and responded to people who ask questions that are at best awkward and likely rude. The later is easier. I suggest saucey humour like "O he asked if he should get tested and I told him that his bedroom performance was perfectly 'adequate'", or It has taken him six years to propose so we are all being quite patient . . . etc.

It is like when people try to hug kids in a wheel chair  -- they may be well meaning but they just need to censor their behavior a little.

As for that other subject, the answer to your own question. The only person that can answer that is your boyfriend. Depending on how you both deal with such things i.e. should we sleep together, do we want to get married, do we want to combine our finances. Some people involve a friend, or just barge in and let emotions fly. The complication lies in the lack of model to follow  -- few have been around the situation nevermind comtemplated how they should react. Movies aplenty about how to propose to the love of your life but there are few referances for the "I am terrifed of giving up a kidney and then finding out I needed it . . . but I don't want my Princess to think her knight is shining armour is a coward."

I think alot of conversations are going to start with the movie "My Sisters Keeper" -- great movie by the way.

On a very personal note, doubt is a very nasty corrosion, I would suggest a conversation should happen soon. It is better to clear the situation up. It may end a great relationship or it may expose problems that were previously overlooked, allow a healing and both of you to move onto a life together.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 08, 2009, 04:54:39 PM
Excellent response from Goofy.  Maybe she's not that goofy after all.  Tread softly when asking for advise.  Remeber the old expression as opinions?
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: del on August 08, 2009, 05:33:52 PM
well, i've decided that i don't want a transplant at all. my wife, only recently, suggested that she should be tested to see if we're compatible, kidney-wise. i won't have it. the problem with a transplant, as far as i can see, is the anti-rejection drugs one must take after the transplant. basically, shutting down the immune system is an invitation to all manner of diseases. i'll stick with dialysis, until an artificial kidney becomes available or stem cell research bears some edible fruit, thanks.
plus, how would you feel if something happened to your donor's remaining kidney after the transplant?
your boyfriend has stuck with you through a very trying time in your lives. that should account for a great deal i would think. there are many that wouild not stay around under such circumstances.

Lightlizard that is exactly ow my husband feels!!  He has been on dialysis for 12 years now.  he is very lucky to me doing so well. He is not having any problems at all and nocturnal home hemo is working really well.  He doesn't like the diet of anti rejection pills and the possible side effects either.  I was tested when he first started dialysis and was found to have the same blood type and a 1 out of 6 antigen match. He thought about it but said no - he was afraid something would happen to me!!  Right now he is feeling so well that he doesn't see the point of even going on the transplant list.  The nephs have agreed with him. One even said why fix something if it is working ok!! 

To donate a kidney has to be a personal decision.  The support he is giving you shows that he cares. He could just as easily have ran the other way as soon as he found out you had kidney failure.  Talk to him and tell him you appreciate his support but don't push him into being tested for a donor.  That has to be his decision.  If he doesn't want to be tested he may have veryu good reasons and it doesn't really matter what they are. 

I agree people are asking a very rude question.  It is none of their business!! 
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 08, 2009, 05:40:44 PM
OMG, I think I agree with Lizard too.  Hush, don't tell anybody.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Goofy on August 08, 2009, 09:18:02 PM
Thanks dwcrawford!  I'm not really as goofy as some people think I am!

Right now I say the only person that I would take a kidney from is my husband but he is boarder line diabetic and has high blood pressure so he is out.  Both my children want to be tested but I said no.  I'm afraid one of them might have PKD and will need a kidney at some point.  I'd rather they save theirs just in case!

I often wonder that if someone I knew needed a kidney, would I offer? 

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: RichardMEL on August 09, 2009, 12:29:30 AM

I often wonder that if someone I knew needed a kidney, would I offer?

Fabulous question and one that I think is pertinent to this discussion. It's all very well for those of us who need a transplant to sit back and expect/ask others to stand up and donate - but what if the tables were reversed??? I'd like to think I would put my hand up.. but if I am 100% honest with myself I don't know if I would. I know that the whole kidney disease journey has made me a more generous soul - maybe if I didn't have that I may not be so considerate and giving.. I do not know. I think definitely if it was a family member that needed aht I was a chance to donate I would put my hand up... but it's not a situation I'll ever be in so I guess that's not an easy one to answer.

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 09, 2009, 12:45:18 AM
I'm pretty sure I would't have volunteered before.  I didn't really know much about kidney problems till late last year.  I think the answer is broader education and awareness.  I don't like at all the thoughts of wanting a relatives or friends kidney.  If they offer, fine, love them for it, but "thou shalt no covet another man's kidney"  Isn't that number 11? I do  like the idea of encouraging organ donations (unless relitious beliefs prohibit it.)  I just hope somebody can use one of  mine -- or maybe they can take the kidneys for use in research (what not to do).  The skin is a little saggy, but I figure they can stretch it out in the burn unit since the plastic surgeon said it is too late.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: LightLizard on August 09, 2009, 10:00:08 AM
I'm pretty sure I would't have volunteered before.  I didn't really know much about kidney problems till late last year.  I think the answer is broader education and awareness.  I don't like at all the thoughts of wanting a relatives or friends kidney.  If they offer, fine, love them for it, but "thou shalt no covet another man's kidney"  Isn't that number 11? I do  like the idea of encouraging organ donations (unless relitious beliefs prohibit it.)  I just hope somebody can use one of  mine -- or maybe they can take the kidneys for use in research (what not to do).  The skin is a little saggy, but I figure they can stretch it out in the burn unit since the plastic surgeon said it is too late.

 :clap; my sentiments too. scary that we have something in common, hey?
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: paris on August 09, 2009, 10:42:21 AM
I am marking this day in red letters.  DW and LL agree   :2thumbsup;   I love you both   :cuddle;
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: kimcanada on August 09, 2009, 10:53:01 AM
 :bow;  you said it Paris!
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: willowtreewren on August 09, 2009, 10:58:12 AM
Goofy, our daughter went in to be tested for PKD so she could see if she could donate a kidney to her dad. Unfortunately, she does have PKD, and it is affecting her liver, too. But now she knows.

Dan and LL, wonders never cease!  :2thumbsup;

Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: LightLizard on August 09, 2009, 11:00:45 AM
the bottom line is that we are all in the same leaky boat, and differences of opinions, beliefs and views aside, we need each other.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 09, 2009, 11:07:32 AM
But lets avoid the discussion of clinical depression....
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: LightLizard on August 09, 2009, 11:22:51 AM
and religion and politics.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: dwcrawford on August 09, 2009, 11:23:50 AM
don't worry.  never discuss those anyway. 
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: LightLizard on August 09, 2009, 11:26:15 AM
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: del on August 09, 2009, 12:11:23 PM
the bottom line is that we are all in the same leaky boat, and differences of opinions, beliefs and views aside, we need each other.

Differences of opinion is what makes life interesting!!!  Be pretty boring if we all thought alike!!  :flower;
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: kitkatz on August 09, 2009, 12:14:22 PM
Back to on topic....

I think maybe the boyfriend thinks you need him as he is, also he may no t have even given it a thought that he could give a kidney to you.  Maybe talking to him would help.

Personally if you all are happy, do not allow other people and their comments to get to you. You both have to right to your privacy especially when it comes to  kidney transplant.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: *kana* on August 09, 2009, 07:02:38 PM
I think we all have asked that question about everyone that loves us. 

My husband loves me as much as humanly possible, but he wouldnt donate a kidney to me.  His mother had diabetes and kidney failure and I think in the back of his mind he thinks that might be in his future also.  He is saving his kidney for himself as long as I appear ok. 

It is not a sign that someone doesnt love you enough.  It is a fear that they have for some reason or other.   
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Jie on August 09, 2009, 08:03:55 PM
My wife wants to donate to me, but I do not want to. I need her to take care of me and I don't want her to take this risk. It turns out she cannot donate due to medical reasons anyway.

If not feeling comfortable to ask BF for donation, maybe give him a good article to read. There are many such good articles about spouse donation to each other or BF or GF donation. After reading the article, it would be easier to start the conversation.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: Brightsky69 on August 11, 2009, 02:59:21 PM
 I have never brought it up to him about why he hasn't gotten tested. Maybe part of me doesn't want to put him through it either and that's why i don't bring it up.

When my mom donated to me she told me she was gonna do it. She said it was no different than if I had the flu and she had to stay up all night with me. She was gonna do whatever she had to do to get me healthy again.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: okarol on August 11, 2009, 03:02:23 PM

   "thou shalt not covet another man's kidney"

 ;D  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: maritza0486 on August 11, 2009, 03:08:47 PM
Hello everyone  :waving;

There is one question I keep getting that I kind of bothers me. I have boyfriend of 6+ years. Granted he is far from perfect but he has his good side. He does get rid of my drain bag and stuff every morning...so I don't have to lift it. And he reminds me to take my binders at each meal....most of the time.
Anyway...getting back to the question.
People will ask me "Why doesn't your boyfriend get tested??? Doesn't he love you enough to do that??"  How the heck am I supposed to answer that?? Most people tell me..."If it were my wife/husband, I wouldn't think twice about getting tested." 
I always say.."well...it takes a special person to be a donor."  Then I think to myself...I guess my BF isn't one of those special people.  Then I start to think...heck, why doesn't he even WANT to get tested??
As a girl growing up I always thought I would be in love with someone who loved me so much they would be like my knight in shinning armor....willing to save my life in need be.
I guess that was just a silly dream.

I agree with many of you that say that just the thought of it is very scary. My brother admitted to me a week ago that he does really want to get tested for me but he is very afraid so I told him there is no pressure at all and if he is scared, to just forget about it. It is just fear that does it. Overall, your boyfriend loves you to death and of course he does not want anything bad to happen to you. For that matter he would not have been with you this long. People are just nosy sometimes and they do not understand the situation as a whole so they begin asking questions and making assumptions on things. I hate that but it is life. I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half and he has supported me since I started experiencing rejection. He has never ever mentioned that he would test himself for me but I never think about it all. He of course would probably be scared as well. It all depends on the person really. Good luck.
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: kitkatz on August 11, 2009, 03:11:05 PM

   "thou shalt not covet another man's kidney"

 ;D  :2thumbsup;

I covet everyone's working kidneys! Plus their big jug of water!
Title: Re: how do you answer this????
Post by: sico on August 12, 2009, 03:58:38 AM
If i had healthy kidney's and had been with someone for six years i'd obviously be in love and would be donating a kidney for sure! They won't let you give one unless the other is in good shape. I told mum the other day that i don't want anyone in my family to feel pressure to give me one.