I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: chris73 on July 12, 2009, 07:05:39 PM

Title: worried again.....
Post by: chris73 on July 12, 2009, 07:05:39 PM
Got my monthly lab report yesterday and it has me worried again. My creatinine is 1.53 which is been average since tx but my BUN is 26(normal is 7-18md/dl) its at the highest since tx.The tx coordinator called and left message on my phone to double my cellcept so i didnt get a chance to talk to her to ask about my swelling.My ankles area still swelling but not as bad since on lasix need to get in contact with tx clinic and let them know.By me retaining fluid in my legs and feet are going to cause kidney failure or any other organ failure? Seems like there is always something to worry about when it come to bloodwork and wondering if im going into rejection or not.I never would have ever dreamed that this would be the way it is.Anyone has had high BUN on their labs? any help would be great!! God Bless!! Chris :stressed;
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: Hanify on July 12, 2009, 08:28:24 PM
No wonder you're worried.  Will leave the technical stuff up to someone who knows, but I just wanted you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: MIbarra on July 12, 2009, 09:06:38 PM
Chris, my BUN fluctuates.. Sometimes it is 10 or 20 points higher and then the next time it is back to "normal" for me. I am 2 years post transplant.

I hope you get it worked out.
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: Chris on July 12, 2009, 09:08:26 PM
I would definitely call your tx center Monday morning and tell them of your concerns and symptoms. I have had a high BUN with my Creat at mynormal level. The advice I was given maybe bad for what you are going through because they told me to push fluids. Not sure what my BUN is this month, haven't looked at my labs yet.

Does your swelling go down at night when you wake up?

How is you WBC? Th more than normal for us is not good, it can be a sign of you fighting something. However further test are needed to determine what if anything?
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: Sluff on July 12, 2009, 09:10:10 PM
I hope everything is ok and just a fluctuation. 
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: Romona on July 13, 2009, 04:51:35 AM
I had the same experince as Chris. I push fluids and it goes down. Good Luck! I hope it is nothing towory about.
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: donnia on July 13, 2009, 06:12:18 AM
My BUN fluctuates too Chris.  I know my tx team tells me not to worry about it as much... just watch my creatinine closely...

Gotta question... what other meds are you on???  I know some meds can cause fluid retention.  When I was on a higher dose of Diovan (blood pressure med), I retained alot of fluids.  I am on a different blood pressure med and lower dose of Diovan and I am not retaining.  I was also on a different blood pressure med at one time and I retained ALOT of fluids and it scared the crap out of me!  You might look up your meds and see if they have that side effect.

Please keep us updated.  Would like to hear what you find out.   :cuddle;
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: chris73 on July 13, 2009, 06:34:52 PM
Spoke to tx clinic today was told to increase my lasix from 10mg once a day to twice from my fluid retention.She also said where its gotten hotter that i need to drink more and not to worry just yet about the high BUN its probably nothing.Thanks for all replies ,sounds like worrying for nothing again....

Donnia: She told me the same about long as my creatinine is looking good that its no big deal.I take prograf,cellcept,prednisone,blood pressure meds norvasc,clonidine and cholesterol med prevastatin and lasix.All the meds are the same  since tx except lasix the dose have changed a little.

Chris: WBC is within range.yes my swelling is gone when i wake up.Tx did stress drink more than i usual do.
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: ardyce on September 12, 2009, 01:28:20 PM

Norvasc has a tendency to make a person retain water.  I went from 5mg to 10mg once a day and I blow-up like a balloon.  I back down to 5mg and all is OK.

Good luck with the creatine numbers I hope they came down right where they should be!

Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: kellyt on September 12, 2009, 01:55:59 PM
Yea!  I'm glad you got the "no worries" answer from your tx team.  The last time my BUN was up my doctor stopped my asprin and my sodium bicarb and my zemplar, but that was all pre-transplant.  My BUN has been normal post transplant.

Ever since my last episode in the hospital with the drain and such I have never drank so much water!  My body is probably saying "Aaahhhhhh".  I drink a lot of "fluids", but not that much water and I'm shocked at the difference the water makes.   I was told after transplant to drink enough to stay hydraded, but I was never told to just drink, drink, drink.  They said that wasn't necessary.  But since I have this ugly drain bag hanging off me 24 hrs a day and I can visually see what my kidney's are putting out on a minute by minute, hour by hour basis I have really been pushing the water.  Mostly in the afternoon and evening.  It's fun to drink a lot at night and not have to get up and pee!  ha ha  I guess I'll have to stop that when they take the bag off or I'll never get any sleep!

Congratulations again!   I'm rooting for you!!!!!!  Keep me posted.  Message or email me anytime!
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: chris73 on September 12, 2009, 06:49:53 PM
thanks all for replies,had labs done in neph's office on wed with results sent to tx clinic haven't heard from either one...no news is good news.I still have swelling in my legs and feet after a long day at work,have appointment with tx clinic next month hope they will do something about it because at the end of the day its difficult to walk on account of the swelling. Anyways i have learned to deal with it. God Bless!! Chris....kelly you still doing ok? had that bag removed yet?
Title: Re: worried again.....
Post by: kellyt on September 12, 2009, 08:44:42 PM
Other than my hurt pride and my self esteem,  I'm doing great!  ;)   Hopefully it's coming out next week and the stent is going back in.  I want to take a long shower with no plastic wrap wrapped around me!!!!!   :pray;  Also, I am looking forward to my first full nights sleep without worrying if A) the bag will leak (as it has in the past) and B) if I'm going to accidentally rollover and rip it out!  I need a restful nights sleep!!!
