I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Home Dialysis => Topic started by: Darthvadar on June 10, 2009, 03:46:28 AM

Title: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 10, 2009, 03:46:28 AM
Hi all...

As most of you know, my mum's on CAPD... Things are going well since mid Febuary when she came home from hospital following her second peretionitis...

On Sunday night, we connected her up for her last exchange of the day, and NOTHING drained out... Not a single drop!... I suspected that it might be a faulty bag, and sure enough, when we tried another, the drainage was perfect... Phoned Baxter, and they've asked me to return that bag to them... They want to see why it happened, but I'm beginning to wonder if it was a bag problem at all...

Today, (Wed)... Her first exchange produced only 1,350mls, about half of what her first exchange of the day usually produces... Should I be concerned???... Has this happened to anyone else???... Did it sort itself out over the next day or two, or should we be talking to the CAPD Nurse Specialist???...

Would very much appreciate any advice...

Thanks everyone...

Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 10, 2009, 04:22:04 AM
The fact that you said her next drain was a good one might mean it was the bag. Then todays low amount might be something and nothing , the best thing to do is see what her next 2 drains are like , if back to normal then i wouldnt worry to much ,but if its low again contact the renal dept. It could be fibrin blocking the drain or a shift in the catheter so best to get it checked out (oh or constipation!)  if she keeps pulling a less amount off.
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 10, 2009, 04:44:06 AM
Thanks Kickstasrt...

I was thinking along the fibrin line myself, or a movement in the cathether... Medication takes good care of the constipation  ;D... In the case of a movement in the cathether, or a fibrin blockage, is this a big problem to fix???...

I'll take a look at her next two exchanges... She's on three per day...  Physioneal 1.36% in the morning, Physioneal 2.27% at around 3pm, and an Extraneal at night...

Thanks again... Really appreciate your help...

Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 10, 2009, 06:44:35 AM
Fibrin is easy to fix (oh whats the stuff called they use to thin your blood? , just cant think of it) anyway a small injection of that actually into the dialysis fluid bag ( not in the person! (Ah Heparin!) mixed in with dialysis fluid usually sorts it out. If the catheter has moved , there are several options , big big doses of laxative ! manipulation of the catheter itself , i believe a wire is thread down it to try and move it (so i dont think thats anything major, and last option new catheter. If the drains not good again get your mum to move around while shes doing it, anything from standing up to lying down , sometimes just movement triggers it. (i pressume she sits to drain? )
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 10, 2009, 08:13:57 AM
She DOES sit to drain, Kickstart...

She's about to do an exchange now, so I'll tell her to move around, and we'll see how it goes!...

Thanks again... Fingers crossed!...

Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 10, 2009, 08:44:14 AM
Get her to do the Hokey Cokey and she will be just fine   :2thumbsup;  I will keep an eye out (a red glowing eye!) to see how you get on ..see i always knew Cylons were far superior to Darthvader  :rofl;
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: peleroja on June 10, 2009, 01:50:15 PM
I had a problem like that once, and it turned out to be a CHUNK of fibrin, not just a strand.  It's probably best to at least call the nurse.  They just gave me 3 bags with heparin in them and all was fine.
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 11, 2009, 05:52:23 AM
Hi Folks...

Thank you all...

Mum appears to be back on track... She did as all suggested... Sat down, stood up, lay down, rolled over, took a shower, and walked over to her Senior Senior Citizen's Club... Anything to try to 'encourage' the tube to co-operate... Then at 4pm, she did her afternoon exchange... Her usual output in the afternoon is about 2,100mls... Yesterday's was 2850mls... And last night's exchange which usualy produces 2250mls produced 2750mls... Phew!... Panic over... Think she's back on track!...

Thank you SO much everyone... Mum's VERY appreciative... You all saved her from a visit to hospital!...

God bless you all... You're a true godsend!...


Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 11, 2009, 06:43:09 AM
 :2thumbsup; glad to hear that  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Restorer on June 11, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
Something similar happened to me this morning. On my last drain on the cycler, it had only drained 350 ml in half the drain time, so it alarmed at me and reset the timer. I moved around, and it continued to drain very slowly, and alarmed again in 8 minutes. So I tried to move around and get it to drain better, and finally managed to drain more than 2100 ml (that's with a 1500 ml fill) by the end of the drain time - a new record for me.
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Hanify on June 11, 2009, 02:53:32 PM
Yay Darth.
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 11, 2009, 03:59:02 PM
I'm sure I don't need to tell you how grateful Mum and I are for your help...

I had visions of hours, or days in the A&E Department of the local hospital...

Mum's draining away nicely today, and is DELIGHTED that I found this site... Saved both of us a lot of bother yesterday...

Thank you all again... You've been great!...


Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: David13 on June 11, 2009, 04:48:51 PM
So glad to hear your mum's problem is better now!   :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 11, 2009, 04:53:55 PM
Thanks David...

We're VERY relieved!!!... Don't like those scares!... ;D

God bless you, and thank you very much for your support...

Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: lodisweetthing on June 13, 2009, 10:09:19 PM
Hi all...

As most of you know, my mum's on CAPD... Things are going well since mid Febuary when she came home from hospital following her second peretionitis...

On Sunday night, we connected her up for her last exchange of the day, and NOTHING drained out... Not a single drop!... I suspected that it might be a faulty bag, and sure enough, when we tried another, the drainage was perfect... Phoned Baxter, and they've asked me to return that bag to them... They want to see why it happened, but I'm beginning to wonder if it was a bag problem at all...

Today, (Wed)... Her first exchange produced only 1,350mls, about half of what her first exchange of the day usually produces... Should I be concerned???... Has this happened to anyone else???... Did it sort itself out over the next day or two, or should we be talking to the CAPD Nurse Specialist???...

Would very much appreciate any advice...

Thanks everyone...

Darth...yes it has happened her e..dont panic sometimes there is fibrin blocking the cath exxspecially a newer user try some heprin it should help it also can be the placeing of the end of her hose too close to an organ,try coughing or a ( hula dance )wiggle around it can help moving the end away some ,,i would send them the bag anyhow it wont hurt..see if it helps
Title: Re: CAPD Drainage Issue....
Post by: Darthvadar on June 14, 2009, 05:02:13 AM
Thanks Lodi...

I don't need to tell you that I've had so many scares with Mum that everytime there's a little 'blip', I automatically think the worst... As does Mum!...

Yes, Baxter Healthcare are due to deliver Mum's Dialysis Supplies tomorrow morning (Monday), so I have that bag packaged up to give to the delivery driver to bring to the lab... Baxter have asked me for it, anyway...

Thanks for your support and advice... It's very much appreciated... Don't have family support, it's just Mum and I, so this site's been a godsend...

God bless you...
