I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: devlinswife on September 25, 2006, 06:55:48 PM

Title: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: devlinswife on September 25, 2006, 06:55:48 PM
I noticed today that my stitch had came out of my catheter and that the catheter was out about a inch, so I pointed it out when I went into dialysis and they said they were calling my Dr. and they would try to run me in the mean time, well about 15 minutes into the treatment I felt wet and sticky, I looked down and saw blood everywhere, so the pulled my catheter the rest of the way out and scheduled me for surgery at 8am I have to be there at 6:30. So early to bed for me tonight.

Also have any of you heard of matching donors.com? If so what are your opinions about it? I just saw a news cast about it tonight, and was wondering.
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on September 25, 2006, 07:22:36 PM
wow, I am sorry.
you will be in my prayers.
sincerely, ohio buckeye
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Epoman on September 25, 2006, 08:20:26 PM
Good luck tomarrow. Keep us updated.  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Rerun on September 25, 2006, 08:21:19 PM
I hope they can slip another one right were that one was.  Good luck.   :)
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: vandie on September 25, 2006, 08:23:59 PM
We'll be thinking about you. 
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Joe Paul on September 25, 2006, 11:46:15 PM
I hope everything goes well today for you.
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Sluff on September 26, 2006, 06:18:40 AM
Well hopefully your out of surgery by now and doing well.:grouphug;
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: mallory on September 26, 2006, 12:35:47 PM
Gee, devlinswife, I'm sorry.  Hope everything went well, and you're home resting comfortably. 

I haven't heard anything about matchingdonors.com, sorry.  Someone else here may have, though.
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: goofynina on September 26, 2006, 10:43:15 PM
Hello Devlinswife, just a quick note to let you know you are in my (our) prayers and we are waiting for you quick return.  Hope it is soon :)
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: devlinswife on September 27, 2006, 10:11:27 AM
Surgery went well, but they decided to fix my fistula today, the Dr. wanted to do it yesterday, but the nurses wouldn't let him, cause he had people waiting on him, so now I have to go in in a hour and a half to have that done, I'm scared after having the surgery yesterday and not being out to sleep for it. That sucks!! Thanks for all the encouragement!!
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Sluff on September 27, 2006, 11:22:13 AM
Hang in there ! We're rootin for you!! :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Black on September 27, 2006, 11:50:13 AM
Please keep us posted -- hope everything goes well. :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: devlinswife on September 28, 2006, 12:13:20 AM
OK so I got there today and had to wait over 4 hours to even get in cause they had a emergency surgery to do. Then the Dr. decides that I have way to much work to do on my fistula, so I have to go back in on Friday and have a stint put in my fistula. So now my Mom has had to miss 3 days work this week and I feel extremely guilty over that.
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Epoman on September 28, 2006, 12:18:28 AM
OK so I got there today and had to wait over 4 hours to even get in cause they had a emergency surgery to do. Then the Dr. decides that I have way to much work to do on my fistula, so I have to go back in on Friday and have a stint put in my fistula. So now my Mom has had to miss 3 days work this week and I feel extremely guilty over that.

Sorry the day didn't go as planned, but I am glad you are ok and I know you will be fine on Friday too. I know how you feel about the "guilt" factor I feel really guilty sometimes by the things my wife has to put up with.  :cuddle;
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on September 28, 2006, 10:12:55 AM
hope you are doing well.
you are in my thoughts and prayers.