I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Off-Topic => Off-Topic: Talk about anything you want. => Topic started by: kitkatz on May 14, 2009, 07:54:35 PM
Someone out there, besides me will want to talk:
Star Trek
Babylon 5
Buck Rogers
Battlestar Galactica New and old series
Anything else you want to talk about in the science fiction realm
Anne McCaffrey
Terry Goodkind
Mercedes Lackey
Other authors that write sci fi stuff. Jump on in!
Come on you science fiction buffs get out your words and lets talk it over!
I will start.
Has anyone ever been to a sci fi convention? I want to go to one.
I've been to a couple.
I really like Niven and Pournelle, I like Catharine Asaro's stuff, as well as Elizabeth Moon (Both Sci Fi and Fantasy) and Lois Bujold.
Star Trek, BSG, (new more than old) and Stargate.
Are you watching Fringe? Pretty sci fi ish.
I used to go when I was a teenager--my first trips to New York City--circa 1973-76.
I think it was call the Creation Convention. I collected anything that was "Lost in Space."
I've read Science Fiction all my life, but not much in the last year. I just saw the new Star Trek, a very
good prequel with a lot of action. Has anyone read the Ursala LeGuin book which just won the
Nebula award. I think the title is "Livinia" and it is set in the time of Vergil's Aeneid.
My sister and I have decided if the libraries burn down, we have the sci fi collections to read.
http://starwars.com/games/playnow/soundboards/index.html Try this for fun.
I used to go when I was a teenager--my first trips to New York City--circa 1973-76.
I think it was call the Creation Convention. I collected anything that was "Lost in Space."
It seems I just missed you. I've been to Star Trek conventions in NYC in the early '70s.
Star Trek - original and next generation
Favorite episodes:
Devil in the Dark (it's on tonight)
City on the Edge of Forever
The Enemy Within, Miri, Amok Time, Mirror Mirror... and more!
Encounter at Farpoint
The Inner light
Has anyone seen the new movie? I loved it. What did you think?
(oops, sorry Big Steve - I enjoyed it too)
seen the new star trek movie, went to the first showing (one of our theaters had a pre-opening show the thursday before opening day) watch every doctor who i can get my hands on, new and old. have read just about everything from ann mccaffrey, terry gookdind and mercedes lackey, some more than once.
seen the new star trek movie, went to the first showing (one of our theaters had a pre-opening show the thursday before opening day) watch every doctor who i can get my hands on, new and old. have read just about everything from ann mccaffrey, terry gookdind and mercedes lackey, some more than once.
Me too. I currently rereading the Terry Goodkind series. Made it to Confessor already. Cannot wait to see how it ends again!
I want a Tribble.
Anyone read "Bimbos of the Death Sun"? :rofl;
I'm starting on the second generation of McCaffrey's - her son's stuff is good, too.
Years ago I found a stuffed tribble that purred. I gave it to a sci fi friend of mine who is into Star Trek stuff.
I love Todd McCaffrey's stuff, too. I am up on the reading of the Pern series now.
terry goodkind is cool but he lost me around book 6. brandon sanderson is an excellent fantasy author, very original. and as for sci fi lately im reading f paul wilsons repairman jack books and anything by scott sigler.
the new star trek movie was ok... but the cast left alot to be desired
I went to the Worldcon in Brighton in 86 or 87. I only went for a day so felt a bit left out: but I did see the great Gene Wolfe on a panel, which is what I really wanted to see. A brilliant writer, and a great speaker as well, as it turned out: once he'd got his breath back (he was late, and looked like he'd run there; so it was 10 minutes before he spoke at all). My hero.
OK I did some volunteer work at Worldcon in '03. Was blessed to actually give JMS (the great maker...) a hand with a technical problem. He was awesome! Loved the con even though I probably wouldn't go under my own steam (my company at the time was invited to help out, and I jumped at the chance to spend 14+ hour days doing nerd stuff for other nerds :) ).
Author wise I really love George R R Martin - I just wish he'd hurry up and finish his "Song of Ice and Fire" series!!! It's taking years!! :)
Re the new movie... geez I just saw it and I'm bemused! I can't believe the way they have changed estbalished Trek lore in such a massive way (Vulcan, Amanda, Pike) but they had so many nods to the original series that was truly impressive.. some things I am sure I even missed, but I picked out a heap. I liked, in general, the reboot.. though the ship looked a bit dumb for mine. Chris Pine as Kirk grew on me. Sylar.. uh I mean Zachary Quinto was fairly good as Spock, though I kept expecting him to try and open Kirk's head with his finger :) the outstanding actor for me was the guy doing McCoy - he had him DOWN PAT!!! omg it was uncanny. Loved his work. Chekov was embarrassing and Scotty with his little mate wasn't much better. SUlu was OK. Liked the Fencing reference.
It could well lead to more films which would be interesting but I am surprised more Trek purists aren't more up in arms about the changes to established canon for the series. Still it was a lot of fun.. the date I went with who had clearly no idea of original series lore enjoyed it, so hey that's gotta count for something! :rofl;
I'm with you Richard. As a lifelong "Star Trek" fan who has seen every episode of every TV show (except "Enterprise"...ugh) so I had some nervousness when I heard they were telling an origin story.
I thought it was very creative how they handles "Star Trek" canon. They freed themselves to have future films take place in an alternate timeline. So the "Star Trek" I grew up with is still present, just tilted on its side slightly.
What I Loved:
--- The cast. Especially Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy. Pitch perfect. And his introduction is my favorite scene in the entire film. The battle scenes, fight scenes and general energy of the entire adventure was paced evenly and never seemed disjointed. All the little nods to what we know about these characters seemed organic to the story and not forced at all. Everyone on the bridge gets a chance to shine, especially Chris Pine as Kirk. To take on such an iconic character is risky, but he grew on me as the film rolled on.
What I Didn't Love So Much:
--- The water tube scene could've easily been cut and wouldn't be missed.
--- The whole chase with the creature on the ice planet? Too long, and again, could have been cut.
--- The repeated use of lens flare became annoying after a while. I understand J.J. was going for a certain presentation, but sometimes less is more.
Those are just nitpicks that didn't totally distract from the overall love of the film. Its a massive slice of enjoyable sci-fi adventure that I've already seen twice and will probably enjoy one more time before it leaves theaters.
Stacy out.
I sorted the sci fi books. I am going to post a list of what can go.
I bought three Star Wars stackable keychains today. Geekdom here I come!
Favorite Star Trek episode ever: Trouble with Tribbles
Big fan of Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Eureka.
Never liked reading scifi cuz I have a pattern of only reading the first sentence of most paragraphs and all the dialogue. Can't do that with scifi, miss too much! Works on most other stuff, though.
Not only been to several conventions, I used to collect the money for a man who ran them. Good old days!
I've watched old Star Trek episodes, Next Generation, Voyager, Enterprise, and a few Deep Space Nine (not a big fan of it). With any tv show, I have no idea what the episode name is, especially when it comes to Heroes. I need to buy the DVD set whenever that comes out to get all caught up. Missed to many episodes.
My current favorite shows of the past few years are Farscape, SG1, Next Generation, Voyager, and Heroes.
Old shows is the 80's Buck Rogers, but have seen the early 50's version, old Battlestar Galatica, and the old Flash Gordon from the 50's/60's
Kitkat's "got her geek on"!
I don't usually watch sitcoms, but Big Bang Theory cracks me up sometimes.
Big Bang Theory cracks me up several times over. When the DVDs come out I have to get the set. I watch them Monday nights while at dialysis. One of the few new shows that makes me laugh.
I have Farscape. My daughter gave me it. I have not watched all of it yet.
I have all of Babylon 5 DVDs including the new Lost Tales, plus the Crusade DVDs. This includes the movies.
I also have Buck Rogers DVDs.
My stepson gave my husband all of the Alien movies on DVD for his birthday, They promptly got incorporated into the sci fi movie collection I have. I have not opened them yet to watch them. One weekend we will have Alien weekend. My hair will stand on end I am sure.
I also have the three Riddick movies. I read a book about Riddick and had to have them.
Yes, getting my sci fi geek on!
Riddick? is that the Vin Dieselll movies? only seen on on tv though.
The made for tv movie of Farscape is good because the season ender was so dissapointing because Sci Fi pull the plug so shortly on the successful program due to cost I think.
I love both the Riddick movies. Of course it doesn't hurt how cute Vin Dieselll is but yeah I have them both. My dad is a big Si Fi guy. I have spent many hours watching movies on the Si Fi channel. Love Star Wars even read a few books. My fav are the Han Trilogy tho. 3 very good books there I tell ya. Never was a big Star Trek have a cousin that was a big Trek fan. Watched a lot growing up tho. I saw the Roast of William Shatner the other night on Comedy Central.
Fiefly series pus movie.
Dr. Who for decades now
and Torchwood -- tho warning the recent five part 'season' was a deep black catharsis event.
Read Hamilton's three books - SCi Fi opera from British publisher. And the Culture series.
Tried to do the Eve MPG but it is like stepping on a wave curling away from you. You think that you can do it but it is all going to end badly just the same. So I gave up.