I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: G-Ma on May 14, 2009, 03:17:13 PM

Title: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 14, 2009, 03:17:13 PM
Well, I was going to begin using my Embroidery Machine today.  I bought it in 2006, then lost vision, moved it with me, back and forth and today was THE day. Ha ha..God does have a sense of humor.  I went to set it up, read the instructions, plugged the cord into the machine and it went innnnn.  Someone must have dropped the machine and something inside broke...$2000 machine, never used and now needs repair...I got it to turn on but it kept telling me all kinds of strange stuff. So, next week to repair man...and perhaps back home if I can't afford it.  On the UP side, I had a car accident last week Saturday...a man hit me when he decided to pass me on the wrong side as I was turning into a service station..took out the front end of my car, front axle, knuckle, poss rack and pinion, wheel, tie rod and assorted other things..thank God for sons. Mine came out to get me and the car with a wrecker and they are handling the insurance etc..today, the man's ins wanted to total the car but due to helpful contacts in his business my oldest son said no, is getting it repaired and like new by next week hopefully. Thank God for sons.  I am feeling good this week and I am determined to start working on my crafts this week and moving forward.  I redid all my plants this morning.  I found my portable cd player and found some books on cd at the Library to listen at dialysis, got the house clean, and am now going to rest.  I am determined to have better times.  Just because my kidneys have failed doesn't mean I'm going to die tomorrow.  Besides, anyone, anywhere, can die in an instant, the blink of an eye.   Let's all let each other know what we are doing to "improve" our emotional beings.   There is a church about a block from me and last week they started a chime every hour and at 6pm generally do a series of chime songs.  I love it, am singing along.  Thank you God.

Edited: Moved to proper section: Dialysis: General Discussion - okarol/admin
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Rerun on May 14, 2009, 03:23:04 PM
I did my volunteer job at the school today.  The kids are cute and I just pray none of them ever have kidney problems.  They seem to have enough problems learning 10 + 6.

Then I paid $55 for the carpet cleaner to come get the blood out of my carpet.  Good news -- he got it all out.

There is a good wind today so the carpet will dry with all the windows and doors open.

I need to go get groceries and buy a Mega Million lottery ticket.

Then I go to dialysis and I have one good tech tonight.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 14, 2009, 03:26:46 PM
I hope you get the good tech.
I bet those children are happy to have you with them.  Not enough children have people who care.  Do any of them add any more? 
I gave up on carpet cleaners...I generally pour peroxide on and scrub..cheaper.
I need groceries too but am afraid to take my sons truck to the store...or just afraid to drive since my accident.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 14, 2009, 03:28:29 PM
G-Ma, what a lovely post!  Well, not about the embroidery machine -- or the car----- well, maybe the part about the church bells!   :rofl;

I think we get in slumps and sometimes it is hard to get out.  I will walk beside you and we will see the sunshine and not the clouds together.  I have focused on negative things for a while and now need to re-focus on all the positives.   I am going to try not to beat myself up for being slow to get things done and not accomplishing what I use to.  This is me right now--that is all I can be.   Someone once told me to make a list of things I DID get done in a day, starting with getting out of bed.  When I remember to look at it that way, I feel better about my day.   We are here and that is a good thing  :cuddle;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 14, 2009, 03:32:39 PM
Yes, let's take a walk.  Actually, I enjoy seeing the animals and other things in the clouds.  Have a great day going forward.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: twirl on May 14, 2009, 03:38:16 PM
what is an embroidery machine -
does it cross stitch -
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 14, 2009, 03:41:07 PM
Some day I hope it will ...     :rofl;   (crossstitch)

It does all the thread pictures you see on clothes etc.  I think if I have the design it can also cross stitch...I used to love doing oh hell, you know the cross stitch with out the x's but vision has stopped that.  I think I'm going to try a pattern that has the x's stamped on it.  Once I get going with it I'll let you know what all it can do.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: twirl on May 14, 2009, 03:43:47 PM
the already printed cross stitch patterns can be hard if it involves more than 50 colors

I would rather do the unmarked patterns

right now, I am sick of all sewing  :waiting;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Romona on May 16, 2009, 11:04:56 PM
Thanks for letting in some sunshine! :)
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: rose1999 on May 16, 2009, 11:28:15 PM
I'm coming on that walk too, G-Ma and Paris, if I may?  There seems to have been so much negativity and bad news  in my life lately that I'm going to try to just focus on the moment. If there's a nice song on the radio or things are going well with the cake I'm baking or whatever it is then I will focus on that and try to put the 'bad' things out of my mind just for that moment.  I can't change the bad things that fate throws at me and my family so I will try to take what little pleasures I can from  life and nature.

Thanks G-Ma for making me stop and take stock  :)
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Jean on May 16, 2009, 11:42:07 PM
Hey you guys, can I come on the walk too? Just found out my husband's GFR is 29. Mine is 22, so we are both in 4th stage. Plus, he had a 3 hour glucose test on Thursday. All we need is diabetes to go along with the rest of the fun. What can 2 people eat who are on the renal diet and one is diabetic? Bread and Water??? Oh, well, hahaha, it could be worse. Good thing I like to cook.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Bajanne on May 17, 2009, 06:39:19 AM
I am coming along with you guys.  I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed recently.  This is now the very slow season for the cruise ships, so my pay this mid-month has been almost non-existent.  This is also the time of final exams at the Community College, so it is marking, marking, entering grades, entering grades.
But, Hallelujah, I am nearly finished.  Grades will all be entered tomorrow, and I will get my lovely check!!

I had been planning to start my gardens and pots at the new apartment, but have been putting it off.  G-Ma's post reminded me that I now have a bit more time to do things like that.

i need to find my sewing machine in the storage and start sewing again.

It's great to be alive!!    It's great to have a lively IHD family to go the distance with me!! :grouphug;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: bette1 on May 17, 2009, 08:02:14 AM
Today is a beautiful sunny day, my hubby just went to the store and I am going to make a pot roast.  I'll also get him to put the table and chairs in the yard and I'll sit out threre and have a popsicle. 
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: staceyand joe92 on May 17, 2009, 08:32:16 AM
Thank you so much for this post. I was feeling very down lately and having a "pity party" for myself . I just found out my fifth living donor was disqualified three weeks ago and the transplant center didn't tell me. I called the  donor to catch up and she told me. I guess I thought this time it was going to work.  I was feeling very sorry for myself but now I'm going to focus on the positive and getting in better physical condition so when my call from the "list"  comes I'll be ready. Thanks again! 
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 17, 2009, 08:44:22 AM
G-ma, you got us all thinking and that is a good thing.  It is raining today.  Does anyone want to sit on the porch and listen to the rain with me?   I am trying to keep positive thoughts around me and maybe the rain will wash away some of my doubts and negativity.    I think I will make chicken and noodles and bake cookies.  Cooking, sewing, reading all help.  And of course, all of my friends here --you all help the most  :cuddle;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: del on May 17, 2009, 10:39:06 AM
I love your post G-ma. Sorry about your machine and the car accident though!!!  Can you take hubby on that walk with you. Might need to help him walk though since he fell!! LOL  He' feeling a bit depressed today and needs some cheering up!!!
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 17, 2009, 10:58:22 AM
Of course we will take hubby...he can sit in the little red wagon and we will take turns pulling it.
Paris...I totally stop what I am doing when it rains and I listen...love it.
I completed all my plants on Thursday, my Hibiscus is blooming it's little heart out on the deck.  Small deck but big enough for 2 or more people to sit and think.  I'm having good thoughts about my machine...God I hope it will not cost a fortune to get it fixed.
I'll make hmmm a fancy coffee to go with your cookies Paris.
All of you caregivers take some time for yourselves just to let your mind get away today.
Stacey...when the right time comes for your transplant the donor will be there, a gift from God.
Yes, we will all focus on the positive.
Rerun...are your carpets dry...I love fresh clean carpets.
Today, I made a small shrimp scampi for brunch, doing laundry, I love birds and there are about 30 in the trees out front, pretty finches at the feeder. I'm digging out my showtimer to give to my D I L's parents as they cook for all of us all the time and such good food.  I'm really working on downsizing my STUFF.
This afternoon I'm going to sit down, crochet, and watch CSI that I have on the dvr.
Everyone, thanks for your thoughts and have a wonderful day.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: jbeany on May 17, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
At my 90 day evaluation for my new center, my social worker did yet another of those silly surveys.  One of the questions she asked was if I was having trouble with anxiety or depression.  For the first time in a long while, I could truthfully answer "no".  I told her I was too busy to be depressed.  I'd need to make an appointment with myself to find time for that these days!  That's good, though.  I'll take a long blur of days running from T-ball games, work, Grandma's chores, and craft shows over sitting at home feeling miserable.

Keep at it, G-ma - busy work is fabulous for keeping your focus on something other than the stinkin' kidney failure.  The embroidery machine sounds great - hope it doesn't cost much to repair it!  I finally had to give up on my lemon of a quilter's machine after 3 attempts to keep it working.  I bought a $100 cheapie at Walmart, and switched to making totes and purses.  I'm finding that to be just as much fun, and with much faster results - the totes are finished in a day, so it's instant gratification!  Plus, I'm doing a good business in them by selling them at my friend's gift shop and local flea markets.
Crafters rule - and she who dies with the most fabric wins!
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 17, 2009, 11:47:06 AM
oooohhhhh....pm me info about the totes please...I am looking.
Yes, busy work is good....oh God...I have collected fabric for years and perhaps now can start using some.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 17, 2009, 11:57:16 AM
[quote Crafters rule - and she who dies with the most fabric wins![/quote]

Oh my ---I win, I win!   I am an addict!  Sometimes I just want to sit and "feel" my fabric.   I worked for a fabric shop for a few years, so that just encouraged my addiction. Then I inherited all of Mom's quilting fabric  :2thumbsup;   I have it stashed everywhere!  It is hard to give it up ---- I may need it to make something special!  JBeany, we all want to see your totes.  How did the craft show go?  I hope you did really well.  And you are right about busy work.   It keeps the mind busy on productive things.     G-ma, any news on how much the machine repairs are yet?  I am saying prayers for a very low amount!! 
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 17, 2009, 12:00:13 PM
Hopefully I'll hear on Monday...pray hard....poor Saul is embarassed walking through a fabric shop with me...I feel the fabric, moan, and then tell him to feel it..........with fabric who needs that S word stuff...I'll moan on fabric........    :rofl;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: willowtreewren on May 17, 2009, 01:21:47 PM
Have we all been feeling a bit down and putting on our happy faces for IHD? I'll be on that walk or sitting on the porch with you. I know for me it is just having to pull such long, long days at work that I'm physically and emotionally exhausted Looking at next year knowing that the whole year may be as bad as this week has been hasn't helped.

I came to this particular forum today to post about how fortunate we have been. I'll do that still, but it seems to be a constant struggle to maintain that positive outlook. don't know what I would do without all the IHD support....

Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: MandaMe1986 on May 17, 2009, 02:02:32 PM
Don't really have a reason to be down just happens from time to time. I  have been working out a lot more lately, it helps me sort things out in my head and also helps me feel better.  I got a sewing machine for Christmas 2 years ago and have yet to use it once.  I don't know how!  So I will stick to my working out and reading.

Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 17, 2009, 02:35:41 PM
Oh no...get out the book of directions that came with the sewing machine..it will walk you step by step and if you get stuck talk to someone in a fabric shop.  Very helpful people.    :thumbup;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: MandaMe1986 on May 17, 2009, 02:37:34 PM
Yeah I keep meaning to sign up for a class at  Hobby Lobby or Michales. I even re-orderd the directions.  I just haven't done it. Haha.  I want to that is why I asked for it in the first place. 
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Jean on May 17, 2009, 11:27:37 PM
A few years back, I started to embroider a tablecloth, by hand. Took me 5 years to finish it, but boy, it's really pretty. And I was so proud of myself. every one that came into the house had to see it. It's a good idea, keeps you busy and thinking of something else besides your dumb kidneys. But, currently I am busy knitting slippers, in the 100 degree heat, Hahaha
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 18, 2009, 06:23:05 PM
Slippers are great...I'm trying to finish 2 afghans and it's just too warm.  The man called from the sewing shop and he can fix my machine and it won't cost a bundle..he is a doll..he totally tuned up my sewing machine last fall for 85 dollars, and the other shops quoted a starting fee of 150.  Last night my computer would not turn on.  I tried everything, I was on the floor feeling for all the cords and nothing so my youngest said to bring it to him tomorrow, ok...well tonight I redid everything and yup, it works...I have no clue.  Oldest son called and said all my car parts are in and the shop will be starting on my car tomorrow..yipeee....He has a wonderful pickup but I am scared to death of getting it dinged.  I am trying to get caught up on all my dvr'd CSI shows so I can watch the final this week and D was good today.  I'm chauferring my youngest G Dtr tomorrow to and from the Nursing Home...she helps with feeding and bingo..not bad for a 14 year old.  They love her.  Hope you all have a great week.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: willowtreewren on May 18, 2009, 06:37:27 PM
What a wonderful post, G-Ma!

Made me smile! :2thumbsup;


Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 19, 2009, 02:09:25 AM
Thanks.  Another night of my 2 hour sleep session but all will be good.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: BigSteve on May 19, 2009, 02:02:06 PM
Wonderfull messages G-Ma! They really help my sometime bad disposition. You are so right to talk
about taking pleasure in the little activities. This thread was so good I didn't realize my exchange fill
bag was empty.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: kitkatz on May 19, 2009, 02:47:13 PM
We held the annual Sixth Grade Olympics today outside in the Califonria heat- Read 90 degrees.  It looked like fun was had by all. The Gators Team won as usual! Hurray for them.  I was part of the water bucket brigade.  I supervised and directed kids to fill buckets of water and get them to one of the events. I had a kid ask me why I did not lug the water pails. I told him I was educated and did not have to do drudge work. If he had his degree he would not have to do it either today.  Meanwhile MUSH! Hehehehe. (Please do not take offense at this comment.) It was fun. I have pics to download. I will post a few here later.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 19, 2009, 02:51:58 PM
IHD Rocks....Thanks BigSteve for what you said.  I think we all have ""bad dispositions sometimes"" but they too pass.  Without this group I can honestly say I would not have gotten this far.  Today was another very good day.  Chilly and windy out.  Sew Machine man called and said it's done so took G Dtr to her Volunteer Job, got groceries as my cupboards were bare but silly me have been scared of dinging son's pickup, got machine, came home, put stuff away, made a cup of mmmm English Toffee Coffee..I know but oh well and just had a great time and I might be brave enough to try the machine tonight...or Thursday as tomorrow is D day.
Jean...you will laugh but now I do know how many more squares I need for the last afghan..10 inch squares..I need 4 green and 5 blue...check with me in a year on this...this is actually the 3rd afghan in 2 years..made one for my 18 yr old grdtr last year for graduation so I do feel I accomplished something.     :rofl;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: monrein on May 19, 2009, 03:18:49 PM
Keep it up G-Ma.  Attitude may not be everything but it's the biggest part of the thing and it's one thing we can actually do something about changing."  :cuddle;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 19, 2009, 04:09:31 PM
And I got a lot of positive from you Monrein all this time.  Thanks.     :bow;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: dwcrawford on May 19, 2009, 04:34:39 PM
I got such a big kick out of reading your discussions on sewing and fabric, etc.  I wish you could have known my Mom and she you people.  When she died we had to have a truck come in and haul all the fabric, machines, buttons, etc. etc. to a chairty shop.  It used up two large rooms in the house.  It was so funny.  Of course she worked in a fabric store but never made any money.  After each pay day when they deducted the cost of what she'd bought that week, she always had to pay them.  My Dad always said he couldn't afford to have her working.  I'm totally  :rofl; thinking about it now years later.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 19, 2009, 04:44:37 PM
Your Mom and I would have been best friends!!   I was lucky the one -- I got Mom's old Featherlight Singer machine. We all wanted it after Mom died, but I won!! My brother and sisters were only slightly bruised!!   :rofl;    All of our clothes were made on it and I can still see Mom sitting there sewing late into the night.  I have several machines, but that old one can sew like magic.  My Grandma taught me first on her treadle machine.   My favorite things to sew are the fancy things -- wedding dresses, etc.  I have made every important dress in my girls lives -- baptism, confirmation, proms, wedding.   I love fabric and patterns -- my addiction!  I don't smoke or do drugs -- I go to IHD or feel my fabric   :rofl;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: dwcrawford on May 19, 2009, 04:55:04 PM
Haha.  That is so funny.  I used to sing in private clubs in Houston (back in the days when you couldn't buy liquor in restaurants so the fancy ones had a private room).  Mom made me wild and  crazy dinner jackets.  Some were hilarious.  Oh my, I wish you'd been around to take lots of that stuff.  We gave away to relatives and friends but then they hauled the rest away.  Yea, the two of you would have been good friends I'm sure.

Giving away her clothes was fun too as she always made a dress every time she went out.  Never wore the same thing.  Of course many weren't finished inside since they only had to last one night.  After all these years I still smile when I think about some of her antics.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 19, 2009, 05:08:14 PM
Oh wow...I'm thinking about mom again....she had customers fly in from CA to ND twice a year with cases of fabric and patterns and she sewed and shipped.  Dad built a room over the garage because she had supplies all over the house and she baked wedding cakes and worked at the hospital.  When we moved to AZ from ND my husb bought an old bread truck and it was floor to ceiling all my craft things and fabrics that we moved and gave away a garage full of things and the move from AZ to NC was a rental truck with no furniture, just sewing machines, fabric and crafts for me.  I have been downsizing in the last year..tears everytime.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Jean on May 19, 2009, 11:48:25 PM
G-Ma, you only have 9 squares left?  Go girl, and do it. !!!! I am assuming grannysquares? I never could manage them. I also have many projects I have never finished, but nothing like yours!!!! How is the machine working out???
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: pelagia on May 20, 2009, 12:06:30 AM
a great thread  :flower;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Hanify on May 20, 2009, 01:44:22 AM

a great thread  :flower;

Boom boom!

I love positive threads.  I actually actively stay away from negative ones like the "I hate..." types.   I think it's bad for you to focus on the negative, and good for you to focus on the positive.  This thread is a joy to read.  I've had a lovely day which included a massage so I'm happy happy happy
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 20, 2009, 02:11:33 PM
Oh my God, a massage....oh greatness.....Saul has promised me a massage if he ever gets his butt here..but he has tree jobs so guess that is good.
D was good today...beautiful outside...
Funny Pelagia..just as I was trying to remember Jean asking how the machine works I read what you said....a great thread...said I did buy some thread to use with the machine but the unveiling I think will be tomorrow.....ta ta da.....If I can figure it out, some IHDers may get little somethings.
Jean....ha ha....ONLY 9 squares...ONLY??? she runs through the house screaming....yes, granny sq and about 10 inches sq...could be 3 ft....grrrr....ok...perhaps later I will work on one.  I started those things when I had a chest catheter..it made the time go really fast but unable to do anything now at D, just TV.  I actually have the box with all the yarn and squares in the living room so I remember....that might be it...I should hide it huh????
I got a wonderful letter from my gdtr in basic training....learned how to throw grenades last week.  Her dad thinks it was ok since she can still write.....oh Lord....she's home the first weekend in June for one day, then on to Virginia Beach for IT, then college in Aug..where does the time go????
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: kitkatz on May 22, 2009, 03:57:27 PM
I got crazy the last two days and moved the books around. My sister had given me new shelves (new tome). I set up my Science Fiction library and have shelves for my books. My office has been cleaned out and it looks nicer in here than it has in ages.  I put the DVDs where I can get to them. Now to clean out the office room closet and make it neater.  On thing at a time though.  I think I moved over 1000 books these two days. I am not tripping over books and boxes anymore! 

I find I need things to be organized around me or I go slightly nutso.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: hurlock1 on May 24, 2009, 09:28:13 AM
Well, I was going to begin using my Embroidery Machine today.  I bought it in 2006, then lost vision, moved it with me, back and forth and today was THE day. Ha ha..God does have a sense of humor.  I went to set it up, read the instructions, plugged the cord into the machine and it went innnnn.  Someone must have dropped the machine and something inside broke...$2000 machine, never used and now needs repair...I got it to turn on but it kept telling me all kinds of strange stuff. So, next week to repair man...and perhaps back home if I can't afford it.  On the UP side, I had a car accident last week Saturday...a man hit me when he decided to pass me on the wrong side as I was turning into a service station..took out the front end of my car, front axle, knuckle, poss rack and pinion, wheel, tie rod and assorted other things..thank God for sons. Mine came out to get me and the car with a wrecker and they are handling the insurance etc..today, the man's ins wanted to total the car but due to helpful contacts in his business my oldest son said no, is getting it repaired and like new by next week hopefully. Thank God for sons.  I am feeling good this week and I am determined to start working on my crafts this week and moving forward.  I redid all my plants this morning.  I found my portable cd player and found some books on cd at the Library to listen at dialysis, got the house clean, and am now going to rest.  I am determined to have better times.  Just because my kidneys have failed doesn't mean I'm going to die tomorrow.  Besides, anyone, anywhere, can die in an instant, the blink of an eye.   Let's all let each other know what we are doing to "improve" our emotional beings.   There is a church about a block from me and last week they started a chime every hour and at 6pm generally do a series of chime songs.  I love it, am singing along.  Thank you God.

Edited: Moved to proper section: Dialysis: General Discussion - okarol/admin
That is a very inspiring letter, I'm glad I read that. It made my day.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 26, 2009, 08:52:47 AM
Good and thanks Hurlock.  OK Last week was great, this week not so but it will be better...I have my little car back...my sons call it the Silver Bullet..it looks like it came off the showroom floor, so I can zoom again. Major crash BP, migraine, cramps at D yesterday, dizzy today..I'm walking in quicksand so no crafts just now but I'm listeneing to the birds and chimes..picking up my gdtr from her volunteer job at the nursing home at 3:30 and I think going to a mall with her and her mom tonight.  I can always sit and people watch which I enjoy while they shop.  This will all be better soon.  Hope you all have a pleasant, safe, week.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 26, 2009, 09:22:32 AM
I'll sit and people watch with you G-ma.  I am not a shopper, so I usually just sit and wait, looking at all the lovely people.  I do like a fresh cookie from the cookie shop while I am waiting   :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 26, 2009, 09:30:19 AM
Yeah Paris....I'll look for a cookie shop and we can have a coffee.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: kitkatz on May 26, 2009, 02:30:32 PM
I like cookies, too. I love to watch people.  They crack me up!  Like the lady who wore sweat socks and high heels to the gym with a pair of shorts.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: dwcrawford on May 26, 2009, 02:38:35 PM
Has anybody ever felt that you may be depressed but you're not sure because you don't know what you are really feeling other than you don't want to be here but don't want to be anywhere else either so you try to put your emotions into words but there are simply no words that fit what you want to say other than stop the world cause I want to get off so you just go on and try to do your daily activities but none of them seem to work and when you hear something you wanted to hear you no longer want to hear it but you wish you'd not even thought about wanting it.  Huh, anybody ever feel like that?
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: kitkatz on May 26, 2009, 02:41:01 PM
Has anybody ever felt that you may be depressed but you're not sure because you don't know what you are really feeling other than you don't want to be here but don't want to be anywhere else either so you try to put your emotions into words but there are simply no words that fit what you want to say other than stop the world cause I want to get off so you just go on and try to do your daily activities but not of them seem to work and when you hear something you wanted to hear you no longer want to hear it but you wish you'd not even thought about wanted it.  Huh, anybody ever feel like that?

You hit the nail on the head.  Plus everyone around you thinks you are nuts because you cannot figure out or put it into words what is wrong with you.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: jbeany on May 26, 2009, 03:08:26 PM

I got a wonderful letter from my gdtr in basic training....learned how to throw grenades last week.  Her dad thinks it was ok since she can still write.....oh Lord....

Pull, Toss, Duck, and Pray?
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Romona on May 26, 2009, 06:38:18 PM
I had my hair done today. I am going to an Amusement Park with my 8 year old tomorrow for a school picnic!
I feel good!  :)
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 26, 2009, 06:40:04 PM
DW..thanks and yes, exactly what you said.
JB..thanks..I didn't know that about grenades.
Paris...I couldn't find cookies until we were done with dinner but did all the people watching while I could..gdtr and dtr in law dragged me in to watch them try on swimsuits, then dinner...bourbon chicken..I had sides of fried rice and steamed veggies...ate 1/4 of it and the rest is in a box for son at home.  Then I saw a Barnes and Noble and you know the rest of the story...they now have my allowance..got fun books for each son and a couple small writing things for gdtr that I can mail in her letters, a couple of sewing mags and absorbed everything I could.  Walked a lot, then sat and more people watching, then came home.  Hopefully I can sleep tonight and tomorrow is D....yahooo.  At least the migraine is gone.....and tomorrow will be a great day for all of us.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: kitkatz on May 26, 2009, 06:42:27 PM
I went to the gym and swam 42 laps, just over a half of a mile.  I feel sore , but good.

One of the guys at the gym calls me The Little Fishie!
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: G-Ma on May 26, 2009, 06:43:53 PM
Oh Lord, I wish I knew how to swim.  I love water but am scared to death of it.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: willowtreewren on May 26, 2009, 07:04:34 PM
Has anybody ever felt that you may be depressed but you're not sure because you don't know what you are really feeling other than you don't want to be here but don't want to be anywhere else either so you try to put your emotions into words but there are simply no words that fit what you want to say other than stop the world cause I want to get off so you just go on and try to do your daily activities but not of them seem to work and when you hear something you wanted to hear you no longer want to hear it but you wish you'd not even thought about wanted it.  Huh, anybody ever feel like that?

Dan, have you been in my head lately? Seems like it.

Before reading your post, I was actually trying to communicate just this kind of malaise to my husband. I told him that I have been putting on a good front, thinking that perhaps that front will turn into the real thing. Still working on it.

G-Ma. Thank you so much for your positives. They really help.

Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 29, 2009, 09:54:48 PM
Aleta, I feel the same way so many times.  Like I am putting on a good front, but worried it will all fall around me because of underlying darkness.  Like one day this will all be too overwhelming and there will be no more "front".  Will people still like me, will I still be needed? 

So, tomorrow, I am going to look at some of my newer fabrics to see if I get any inspiration.  I need to make something and feel creative.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: kitkatz on May 30, 2009, 11:08:00 AM
I feel depressed today.  I cramped at dialysis last night and came of an hour and a half early.  I feel okay. My arm cramped behind where they put the needles.  In addition the tech, who usually does not stick me, hit a nerve in the upper needle.  I pretty much hurt all night long whenever I was awake.  I had to find the position that did not hurt too badly to lie in. Thank the Lord for Tylenol and Benadryl, it dulled the pain for awhile.

But anyway, I plan to go bike riding with my sister today. I am going to try for five miles today. Hopefully the path will be flat. And then off to a staff party at 6:30 in Riverside.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: Hanify on May 30, 2009, 05:00:49 PM
Thinking of you Kitkatz - hope you feel better today.  I'm really happy cos I managed to make a curtain yesterday.  I had to break it up into little parts (the job - not the curtain) and have a rest in between each part, but I got there.  Whoever would have thought that sewing one lousy curtain could take soooo much energy.
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: dwcrawford on May 30, 2009, 06:13:12 PM
What are you guys going to do in Vegas if you don't gvet energy...  I've already asked my Neph Dr. O for an extra day off.....
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: jbeany on May 30, 2009, 07:42:18 PM
Here, paris - try this!
 Quick, easy, pretty and useful.

If you don't have webbing for handles, cut 4 inch by 24 inch material, and fold into a 1 inch wide strap, and sew down the edges.  I like long handles so it can be slung over the shoulder. (Iron it in half, then fold the edges into the center line, then iron again. . .)

This isn't the pattern I use, but it gets you to the same results in the end. . .
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: aharris2 on May 30, 2009, 09:13:15 PM
What are you guys going to do in Vegas if you don't gvet energy...  I've already asked my Neph Dr. O for an extra day off.....

DW, this is a bit off topic, but I have two comments:

First of all, there's no need to take an extra day off from dialysis. Have your center arrange for a day of dialysis in Las Vegas. It is practically effortless to arrange (just make sure you ask at least a month early). Las Vegas is a tourist mecca and the dialysis units cater to tourists. We have visited twice and used Davita South Las Vegas both times. It is equally close to the strip and to Fremont Street. Nice staff and no issues with the care - they even directed us as to where to go for an emergency catheter replacement when it fell out during a treatment. Just do this. It will open doors for you (inside your own head) making it easier to arrange travel the next time. We've done short trips, but we've also traveled weeks at a time, even outside of the country.

Second, regarding energy, don't push it. One has to allow for how they feel. Naps, relaxation, and a good night's sleep have got to be part of the plan. We have found that kidney disease/dailysis are like a "divide by two" function. That's part of why we try to take longer vacations, so that nothing is rushed. Go, don't have unrealistic expectations of yourself and you will enjoy Vegas.

(sorry folks)
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: dwcrawford on May 31, 2009, 06:13:26 AM
Thank you aHarris.  A nurse had told  me to do that but I was a little leary of going to a strange place.  She said to talk to the social worker and she'd arrange it for me.  She also told me about a dialysis tour that one of the patients that went on each year and was going to arrange for me to talk to him.  I appreciate this.  I still have lots of energy and just get so frustrated staying at home all the time.  (2 more weeks until they start usuing the cath and 4 more till it come out.  I think I'll feel better about things then.

Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: paris on May 31, 2009, 11:50:43 AM
Sit and visit!  Go to a restaurant and eat and visit!  Play slots and visit!  We are pretty low key and watch out for each other.  Anyone want a deep fried twinkie on Freemont Street?   :rofl;    Aharris is the expert at traveling and planning dialysis. She gives great advice.

Thanks Jbeany!  If I can stay awake long enough, I will give it a try.  I always feel much better when I can create something.  I would love to pictures of your crafts.   :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: I am working on moving forward and stop being depressed. Come join me.
Post by: BigSteve on May 31, 2009, 12:25:24 PM
Great day yesterday. Both kids and their families were here for the day, from Scottsdale and Ventura
County, CA. Our grandchildren are all girls and they are so much fun together.