I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: livecam on September 17, 2006, 06:26:03 PM

Title: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: livecam on September 17, 2006, 06:26:03 PM
Dr. Evil, a board certified Nephrologist was a frequent and interesting poster here not long ago.  I haven't seen anything from him in several weeks.  Did someone uncover his identity?  Is he on vacation?  What has become of Dr. Evil?
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: goofynina on September 17, 2006, 06:46:28 PM
I sent him an email not too long ago and he said with his busy schedule, he rarely has time to pop in,  but i did see him here not too long ago, expected him to post, but he didnt.  Thats all i know Livecam  ::)
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on September 17, 2006, 06:51:04 PM
Sometimes I've wondered if Dr. Evil, Stauffenberg, and Mitch the broker are the same person.
Just a thought.

Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: livecam on September 17, 2006, 08:21:03 PM
I think Mitch and Stauffenberg are the same and offered Stauffenberg a chance to prove me wrong.  He said he wanted his anonymity and that he wouldn't.  Go figure.
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Sara on September 18, 2006, 04:56:01 AM
I think Mitch and Stauffenberg are the same and offered Stauffenberg a chance to prove me wrong.  He said he wanted his anonymity and that he wouldn't.  Go figure.

If not the same, then at least in cahoots with each other.  I don't think Dr. Evil is, though.
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: angieskidney on September 18, 2006, 06:21:30 AM
Naw I don't think Dr. Evil is but I think that the kidney that Stauffenberg got was from Mitch's group ;) But that is just speculation. I can't really say. But one has to wonder!! :P

I don't think they are the same person simply because Mitch tends to be insulting and rude and VERY pushy with his opinions! Meanwhile Stauffenberg has posted a lot of intelligent and insightful posts.
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Bajanne on September 20, 2006, 09:04:24 PM
If they are the same person, he would have to be using different computers because Epoman checks IP addresses.
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Zach on September 20, 2006, 09:07:17 PM
He's probably too busy with his patients, as a good nephrologist should be.       ;)
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Rerun on September 20, 2006, 10:17:11 PM
He's probably on vacation like most good Nephrologist do about every other month!
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Zach on September 21, 2006, 04:56:27 AM
He's probably on vacation like most good Nephrologist do about every other month!

Ha ... Ha ... Ha!
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Sluff on September 21, 2006, 06:20:36 AM
He's probably on vacation like most good Nephrologist do about every other month!

Ain't that the truth!
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Epoman on September 23, 2006, 07:27:53 PM
He's probably on vacation like most good Nephrologist do about every other month!

Ha ... Ha ... Ha!

LOOK, they are not called vacations they are called "CONFERENCES"

 ;) >:D
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Dr. Evil on September 25, 2006, 06:34:28 PM

- thanks Zach!

I have just had a few busy weeks, and this web site can get kinda addicting...so I need to pace myself a bit.

I don't think I take too many vacations, but this job can wear on us as well.  I know patients can't really "take a break" from their ESRD, but think about the stuff we have to deal with an almost daily basis.

Ex#1: Just lost one of my ESRD pts....amloydosis with myeloma...went from healthy pt...then ESRD....to dead in 8 months...age=66.  Every week we rounded on him at dialysis, and he tried all the chemo, etc, etc...and nothing worked (as most literature indicates), and we all just watched him spiral down...not much hope....we all knew it, but tried to keep his spirits up...then we had to put him in hospice....

Ex#2: 86 female...bad valvular heart dz...cardiorenal syndrome...all swollen up...fails all diuretics...we decide to try HD for volume control...family understands this is a "last ditch" effort to save mom....it works...she gets better...but mom is a little demented...and the family can't handle her now, 'cause all she wants to do is drink water, and they don't have the heart to stop her, etc, etc,.... So they dump it on me to tell this woman that she needs a nursing home cause their family can't take care of her....yeah...that's fun (...sarcasm)

Ex#3: CHF/CKD patient....older....gains 15 lbs in a week because he won't stop eating salt (had chinese food with extra soy sauce this week....his wife drags him in to see me ('cause his cardiologist is out of town and his partner won't see him...too busy...)...so the nephrologist is always around....anyway, he looks like shit...I try to admit him to the hospital....he won't go for it....so we try to jack up his diuretics....but he is all pissed at me, 'cause I tell him that going on a cruise later this week is a bad idea given that he can barely breathe and has swelling up to his back!.....I know he is just waiting for some Saturday or Sunday night at about 11 PM before he calls 911 to go the ER so I can dialyse him at 1 AM!.....that is, of course after the dialysis nurse bitches at me for calling him/her in, and then having to fight with the ICU to give me a bed as well for the guy.....but then maybe I will get lucky and the ER won't realize he is in pulmonary edema, and I wont find out until the morning (....just kidding) ;D

Anyway......it feels good to be back ;)

EDITED:  Fixed quote tag - Goofynina/Moderator
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Dr. Evil on September 25, 2006, 06:52:15 PM
Hey, this is kinda cool....a whole thread started about where I went to.

Thanks...I feel loved! :2thumbsup; :grouphug;

Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Bajanne on September 27, 2006, 04:49:02 AM
You bet, you are the only neph in our community and we weren't letting you go without a fight!  So good to have you post again. Thanks for sharing your challenges with us.  It just ain't easy from any side of this situation, is it?
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: Black on September 27, 2006, 09:28:05 AM
Glad you're back Doc. :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: What's become of Dr. Evil
Post by: angieskidney on September 28, 2006, 11:40:44 PM
Sometimes we don't realize just how much a doctor does go through. Thanks for sharing that with us! Infact, I like to read about your day. Helps us understand and not be so focused on ourselves ;)

Glad you are back!  :2thumbsup;