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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: News Articles => Topic started by: okarol on March 24, 2009, 12:08:50 PM

Title: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: okarol on March 24, 2009, 12:08:50 PM
Dieting wife in race against time to save dying husband after being told she's too overweight to donate kidney

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:50 PM on 24th March 2009

A loving wife has gone on a crash diet in a bid to lose three stone - so she can donate a kidney to her dying husband in time to save his life.

Doctors have warned Samantha Lamb, 36, she can only give her organ to her spouse Andy Lamb if she sheds enough weight - or the operation could kill her.

Mr Lamb, 40, is dying of renal kidney failure and is only being kept alive by weekly sessions of dialysis but has been warned he could be dead by Christmas.

He could be saved by an organ from his wife but under strict rules she is too big and doctors will only operate if she loses three-and-a-half stone over nine months.

Mrs Lamb has a body mass index of 42.8 but she must get it down to below 35 before medics will allow her to have an organ removed.

Doctors have told her she needs a ‘dramatic’ change in lifestyle and diet before she would eligible for the much-need operation.
Samantha and Andrew Lamb

Desperate: Samantha Lamb must lose at least three stone before she can give a kidney to her dying husband Andy

Mrs Lamb, of Ivybridge, Devon, is now on a crash diet and has joined a local gym after telling them: ‘you've got to help me - my husband is dying’.

She said: ‘If he doesn't have a kidney donor he only stands a every low chance of seeing next Christmas.

‘When you meet someone who understands you in very single way and loves you for you you are, you are going to do everything you can to save that person.

‘I get the chance to save my husband. I will do anything to save him, the kids need their dad and I need a husband. I'm 36, that it far too young to be a widow.

‘I'm determined not to let that happen. He's everything you could ask for. He's funny and talented. Some people say Brad Pitt is gorgeous - but he's my Brad Pitt.’ 

Father-of-three Mr Lamb added: ‘Sam's doing all this for me and I'll never get over that. She is just amazing and fantastic.

‘I could never put into words how I feel about this. If this happens she will have given me the gift of life.’

The couple met four years ago when they both worked as ambulances technicians in Essex and married in 2007 and have a three-year-old daughter Beatrice.

Mr Lamb has suffered kidney problems all his life and underwent a transplant eleven years ago, but now the three kidneys that exist in his body have all died.

He has been placed on an emergency donation waiting list but his wife's organ is considered the perfect match for him.

A 'live' donation - taken from a living person - would also stand a better chance of working better and last much longer.

But medical guidelines state that patients with a BMI over 35 are at an increased risk from complications during and after major surgery, particularly embolism, respiration problems and wound infection.

Mr Lamb said: ‘I still have issues with what Sam's doing as I'd rather not put her at risk. I have terrible guilt over it all.

‘I felt that if the family lost me it would be through nobody's fault, but if something happened to Sam it would be all my fault.’ 

Mrs Lamb added: ‘I've never worried about what I eat because he loves me for who I am no matter what my weight is. I've never felt that pressure.

‘All I am going to be doing for the next few months is to be in the gym.’  Sam has started a diet by swapping burger and chips for planned meals of complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, potatoes and bread.

She has also visited Ivybridge Leisure Centre which has given her free membership for three months and a personal trainer for an hour every day.

Manager Chris Hubble said: ‘Of course we will do all we can for Sam whilst she has a chance to save her husband.

‘I think we can achieve what's she needs to do in two or three months.’  Sara Stacey, living donor transplant co-ordinator at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, said it was a ‘very kind gesture’ by Sam.

She said: ‘Sam is currently in the very early stages of assessment for live kidney donation and there is still a long way to go.

‘There are other tests and investigations to be undertaken before the decision to transplant will take place.

‘We would like to wish Sam and Andy all the very best for now and the future. It is a very kind gesture.’ 

Mr Lamb has a 16-year-old daughter Stephanie and a 17-year-old son Ashley from a previous marriage.

He was forced to give up work as a removals man last year through ill health and his wife is his full-time carer.

Comments (4)

Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below?

Motivation doesn't come much more powerful than that. Good for you, Mrs Lamb! I wish you and your family all the very best.
Click to rate     Rating   47

- Helen, Kent, 24/3/2009 15:28

Yes wonderful thing she's doing, i mean that. But just think if she hadn't let herself get fat in the first place there'd be alot less worry & stress. This is why fat is not good. Average is best.
Click to rate     Rating   42

- Netti, Planet Earth, definately, 24/3/2009 15:22

I really wish them both all the best . True love is a special thing and this story proves that it still exists.
I have no doubts at all that this wonderful wife will succeed in her weight loss as she so obviously adores her husband.Bless you both.Good Luck.
Click to rate     Rating   37

- Lin Jervis, Essex, 24/3/2009 15:20
Find this story at www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1164463/Dieting-wife-race-time-save-dying-husband-told-shes-overweight-donate-kidney.html
PHOTO: Desperate: Samantha Lamb must lose at least three stone before she can give a kidney to her dying husband Andy
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: jbeany on March 24, 2009, 12:53:08 PM

‘All I am going to be doing for the next few months is to be in the gym.’  Sam has started a diet by swapping burger and chips for planned meals of complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, potatoes and bread.

What?  what kind of diet is that?  Hello?  Fruit, Veggies?
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: sweetpea on March 24, 2009, 01:24:48 PM
What a beautiful love story...  :'(
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: Sluff on May 31, 2009, 04:44:25 AM
I hope they update this story later it would be awesome to see how this turns out. I bet she does it!
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to do
Post by: monrein on May 31, 2009, 04:49:47 AM
I don't understand why he might die by Christmas.
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: willowtreewren on May 31, 2009, 07:27:17 AM
I don't understand why he might die by Christmas.

Not everyone responds well to dialysis.

My husband's father didn't. Once his kidneys gave out, dialysis did not keep him alive very long. He tried PD and hemo.

I was a basket case a year ago when my husband went on dialysis thinking that we had only a few months, maybe a year. When the transplant center would not take a kidney from me I almost went berserk. Fortunately my husband DOES respond well to dialysis.

So I quite understand how this wife must feel.  :(
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: okarol on June 16, 2009, 03:24:04 PM
Woman Has One Month to Lose Weight to Save Dying Husband

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A British man dying from kidney failure has been given one month to live, unless his wife loses the weight necessary to provide him with a healthy kidney.

Samantha Lamb, 36, is the perfect donor for her husband, Andy, 40, who is suffering from renal kidney failure, the U.K.'s Daily Mail reported. However, doctors will not perform the operation on her unless she loses 14 more pounds.

Through a strict diet and two hours of exercise per day, Lamb has already lost 35 of the necessary 49 pounds she must drop to have the surgery.

Without the donated kidney, Andy, who is living off dialysis, could die within a month. He is on an emergency donor waiting list, but his best chance of survival rests with his wife.

"This has been the biggest challenge of my life but it's the only challenge that's worth doing, Lamb told the newspaper. "What better prize than saving my husband?"

Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to do
Post by: BigSky on June 16, 2009, 04:01:59 PM
I don't understand why he might die by Christmas.

Probably just an overstatement by the press to make it more interesting.
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to do
Post by: okarol on June 16, 2009, 05:09:30 PM
I don't understand why he might die by Christmas.

Probably just an overstatement by the press to make it more interesting.

The updated story says this:

Without the donated kidney, Andy, who is living off dialysis, could die within a month.
Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: twirl on June 16, 2009, 05:29:11 PM
so how much is three and 1/2 stone

and how many stones equals a pound

Title: Re: Dieting wife - race against time after being told she's too overweight to donate
Post by: YLGuy on June 16, 2009, 05:40:46 PM
I had to look it up: Answer: 1 stone = 14 lb's