I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Off-Topic => Off-Topic: Talk about anything you want. => Topic started by: charee on September 04, 2006, 12:54:21 AM
Not sure how well known The Croc Hunter is outside of Aus, Steve Irwin died today in a freak accident with a sting Ray . He has done heaps for our environment and reptile research, I am sure he will be missed.
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Rerun - Moderator
Yep, what a shock. Used to watch him often here in the USA, on the animal channel.
He was pretty popular here. Poor guy.
Personally I did not like him, however until this morning I didn't realize the impact of this individual.
I judged him wrong. R.I.P. Steve Irwin
Not sure how well known The Croc Hunter is outside of Aus, Steve Irwin died today in a freak accident with a sting Ray . He has done heaps for our environment and reptile research, I am sure he will be missed.
He was well loved in the US. We are going to miss him, the kids especially. My best friend's 10 year old granddaughter dressed as "The Crocodile Hunter" last halloween. One of my other friend's husband and young son used to have a standing "date" to watch his show -- it was their favorite show and nothing interferred with them getting to watch it. Kids here just LOVED him!! It is a terrible loss for the world and I feel great sympathy for his family.
I feel for his family and Australia. He was a good man. I liked his show and thought he was nuts for getting into water with crocodiles.
Here's the link: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,20349890-5005961,00.html
pretty sad really, he did alot for his proffesion. i learned how to speak fluent australian just from watching this guy.
yeah he has done so much more than people know, but at least his work will carry on with Terry , Bindi and Bob.There is even talk of a State funeral for him .
It is funny when a celebrity dies and you feel like someone you know died. I have been watching the news about it today. How sad. However he seems to have died doing something he loved to do;working with animals and being with them. I hope his family is alright and can make it without him. I bet he landed at the Pearly Gates with the word "Crikey" on his lips.