I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: vikki ross on December 05, 2008, 05:20:21 AM
My dad has been on hemodialysis nearly two year!
The short version of the story is: It all started with a fall on Christmas Day... He fell going up the stairs and hurt his knee, three years previous he had been in hospital to have a knee replacement... after the fall he was unable to walk, became dehydrated at home, had side effects from the painkillers and was admitted to hospital on New Years Eve, from then it just became worse. When he had fallen an infection that was under lying from the knee replacement operation, shot round his body and landed in his right heart value... leading to a infection through-out his whole body!
They prescribed antibiotics round the clock but things became worse and his health deteriorated... At this point he was on an orthopedic ward and it was obvious that they did not know how to cope with this (but I wont rant in my first message about how hospitals have let us down).... After 6 weeks they moved him urgently across to a specialised kidney unit... by the time it was due for a biopsy, it was too late, he was fighting for his life, unconscious, hardly breathing , the family were all called in and we sat round his bedside waiting for the worse to happen.... over that weekend he had emergency dialysis three times and the renal doctors worked miracles.... amazingly he pulled through and although it was a hard three months of recovery for all.. he did it and managed to come ... In total he was on intensive antibiotics for 12 weeks, this was too much for his kidneys and they failed..!
Since then we have had various trips to the hospital, I suppose like most dialysis patients have.. with all the problems that come with it.... He has also spent 3 months of 2008 with a concrete ball of antibiotics trying to kill off the last bit of infection in his knee and then had major knee surgery... which at present he is just recovering from.
Although we have tried and still do... it has changed the way life was and its hard, emotional and alway full of worry....
:welcomesign; Vickki. What a sad thing for your family. I'm glad you found us and I hope you'll come here as often as you need to for information and more importantly, support around all this stuff.
G'day Vikki... great to have you with us and hope our community can help you and your family handle your father's journey through kidney failure and dialysis...
Welcome to the community!
Welcome to IHD!! I have tried to encourage my siblings to visit this site as it is extremely supportive of anything and everything!! Please continue sharing!!
:welcomesign; Vicki. There are a lot of caregivers on IHD and you'll find loads of information and all the support you can ask for. Please keep us updated on your Dad. :cuddle;
Welcome to IHD bening a caregiver can be a tough job. There are a number on this site that you can draw strength from. Please post often and keep us posting on how your Dad is doing
G'day and :welcomesign;
Hi and welcome to IHD. You'll find all the info you need here, and then some.
:welcomesign; Welcome to a great group of people and thank you for supporting your dad. I'm sure he is grateful.
Welcome to our community, Vicki! Wow! Your dad has really been faced with some severe challenges! however, the upside is, he is still here with you. I am sure that is the most important for you. I can quite understand what you are going through. You have found another family here - the IHD family. :grouphug; We will be with you for the long haul. Just keep us posted on how your dad is doing (and on how you are doing too). Take advantage of all this site has to offer. Apart from the general sections, there is a section for caregivers that might interest you. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bajanne, Moderator
Welcome Vicki!