I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: MelissaJean on August 14, 2006, 05:16:05 PM

Title: Names for your kidneys
Post by: MelissaJean on August 14, 2006, 05:16:05 PM
I went to my massage therapist today and was telling her about my kidney problems.  She suggested I name my kidneys in order to picture them as a friend I was taking care of rather than an enemy.

Anyways.. if you had to name your kidneys what would you call them and why?
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Sara on August 14, 2006, 05:19:58 PM
Heh.  That's cute.
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Rerun on August 14, 2006, 06:11:51 PM
Well, I just need one and so I would call it "Life."
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: goofynina on August 14, 2006, 06:13:07 PM
Hmmmm, i think Bonnie and Clyde,  cuz they are bad mofo's (and unfortunately, so are my kidneys) :( ;)
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: BigSky on August 14, 2006, 08:22:38 PM
Yea right :D

I treated mine as a friend and the little bastards stabbed me in the back and went and did their own thing and decided that they were going to retire while they were still young.   ;D
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Bajanne on August 14, 2006, 11:17:11 PM
I am a little resentful of mine, and usually prefer not to think of them at all.  I had an ultra-sound when I was first diagnosed and they said that mine were smaller than they should be, that they had shrunk.  Hoever this thread is making me rethink my feelings, and now I will try to think good thoughts about them.  I'll call them Amos and Andy.  Hi, guys!  How y'all doin'?
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: deej on August 15, 2006, 06:16:35 AM
How about dead and deader?
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: livecam on August 15, 2006, 02:16:30 PM
To be accurate I think I'll call them "Crap", "Junk", and "Jose".
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: jdat on August 15, 2006, 02:27:35 PM
Lazy and Sleepy.  ;D
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: deej on August 15, 2006, 02:41:23 PM
To be accurate I think I'll call them "Crap", "Junk", and "Jose".

Do you have three?
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: livecam on August 15, 2006, 07:21:00 PM
Yes three total.
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Panda_9 on August 15, 2006, 07:43:37 PM
Had 3 now have none, so ill call them "extinct".
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: angieskidney on August 15, 2006, 10:25:06 PM
My originals were removed so they are "gone" and "long gone" .. the transplanted one .. I will call "failed" :P
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: anja on August 15, 2006, 10:34:25 PM
Petite and Smaller- that is what the ultrasound and biopsy guy called 'em!  I just call them Useless and Inadequate...
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Sluff on August 16, 2006, 06:04:05 AM
Poncho and Lefty because they are not loyal to each other.
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: ahamner on August 16, 2006, 12:18:08 PM

Being a PKD patient, I'd call mine  Cysty and Cystiful.
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Riki on August 16, 2006, 12:24:10 PM
I never named my orignal kidneys..... but my first transplanted kidney I knew came from Newfoundland, so I called it Newf.... *L*  I kinda forgot about that till now... never named my second one either... I might call it Judas, because it betrayed me...
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: kitkatz on August 17, 2006, 05:30:26 PM
Both mine have gone the way of the dinosaurs "Extinct", so why bother.
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: LT514 on September 02, 2006, 04:12:03 PM
I named my last kidney Madison. I got it in Madison, Wisconsin.
My friend, another transplant recipient named hers, but I cannot remember the name for the life of me...
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: thom on September 03, 2006, 02:07:30 AM
 :o ::)
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Zach on September 03, 2006, 09:55:52 AM
Madison and Avenue       >:D
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: Shades_Elfen on September 03, 2006, 10:42:58 PM
personally? I call one "Useless" and the other "B******s!"  >:D

what? its true... they are like lazy co-workers... don't do quarter of the work... quit/retire early... etc...  just the type of co-workers you just want to say "useless b******s!" about.
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: tamara on September 05, 2006, 03:54:57 AM
Never named them until now,so from now on they will be known as Dumb and Dumber! ;)
Title: Re: Names for your kidneys
Post by: devlinswife on September 22, 2006, 01:09:58 AM
I never named my old ones, but I named my husbands when we thought he was giving me my kidney (he matched then I git a really bad UTI and my body changed so that I no longer matched him---which is very unheard of). It's name would have been Chanley James or CJ cause my father in laws name is James Chanley and he hates Chanley and I love it so just to torment him it would have been James Chanley, Also my sons name is CG (no periods and it doesn't stand for anything-it was my grandpas name) and I thought CG and CJ would be cute.