I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Off-Topic => Other Severe Medical Conditions => Topic started by: Marley on September 20, 2008, 08:45:08 PM

Title: Life after heart surgery
Post by: Marley on September 20, 2008, 08:45:08 PM
Hubby and I are adjusting to our new normal and are getting used to having someone come in 3 x a week.  Multi-care is really a blessing and our aide and I got along right away.  Hubby would rather shower by himself than let his aide help him and now that we have a shower chair, I'm alright with that too. :)  So far, no problems.  His foot is still swollen from the blood clot but we're told that the Plavix should break it down so his body can absorb it.  It's been two weeks since they put that stint in his groin so we're hoping it will clear up fast.

Today was nice and tomorrow will be even better with the games coming on.  Now that Fall is here, I'm wanting to get out my fabric and play around--I'm a quilter--and I just loove those Fall colors.  Oops, going off topic.  I'm just so glad summer is over!!

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.

Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: okarol on September 20, 2008, 09:39:54 PM

There is a peacefulness that is evident in your post. I am so glad you have help and Mikey is feeling better, and I hope his foot improves soon. Take care!  :flower;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: paris on September 23, 2008, 06:31:57 PM
Okarol is right, you can feel your serenity today.  Your post was lovely.  Multi-care seems like a God-send.  Hope each day continues to bring improvement.   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: devon on September 25, 2008, 12:18:01 PM
Marley, I hope things are progressing well for you.

Just thinking about you.

Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: willieandwinnie on September 25, 2008, 12:26:56 PM
:flower; Marley. Glad to hear that Mikey is adjusting so well. I have to agree with you on the quilting (I just love the colors). Take care and I hope that clot disappears fast.  :cuddle;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: pelagia on September 25, 2008, 05:06:56 PM
 :flower; this is for you and Mikey.

I would love to see your quilting project at some point if you feel like posting.  I used to quilt in the old days and hope to again sometime in the future.
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: monrein on September 25, 2008, 05:08:27 PM
Hugs to you both.   :flower; :flower;  And flowers too.
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: Marley on September 30, 2008, 12:58:58 PM
Hello everyone

I've been having computer problems and after two days of tech support, it comes down to my modem is not working.  I need to find a computer geek to come over and take a look--I have no idea how I can fix it!!  I miss my computer so baaaaad--using dad's right now so I can tell y'all where I've been.
Mikey is doing even better, his foot is hardly swollen at all right now and he seems to be healing up prett good, thank You Lord!!  His neurpoathy has gotten worse though and he's using the walker more lately.  We even had to bring the wheelchair out to the bus (from dialysis) so I could get him into the house, so obviously, we haven't started walking yet.  He's doing the other exercises though, I gotta give him credit, he's trying his best. 

Me, you ask?  Other than feeling exhausted most of the time, I'm doing alright.  Our aide has been such a big help with the house too, she's giving Mikey a shave right now. 

I don't know if/when I can get my computer fixed so I won't be here for a while--who knows how long!!  Just know how much I care about y'all and will be thinking of you.

Thanks for making this caregiver feel so welcome and for ALL your help with getting me through this past month.

Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: okarol on September 30, 2008, 01:11:23 PM

Thanks for checking in Marley - I hope you get the computer problems resolved. Come back when you can!  :waving;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: monrein on September 30, 2008, 04:08:26 PM
Drop in any time Marley.  I was wondering how Mikey was doing?
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: paris on September 30, 2008, 06:15:57 PM
We'll be here waiting for you.  And we will continue to keep you and Mikey in our prayers.   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: ODAT on October 06, 2008, 06:55:04 AM
Marley and Mikey, you have both been through so much. I pray you have quiet days ahead and quick healing.

Have you tried to cold boot your computer? That is totally unplugging it. Sometimes it just needs a kick in the  :sir ken;. Hope that's all it is.
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: pelagia on October 06, 2008, 01:58:40 PM
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: Marley on October 16, 2008, 04:46:09 AM
Good morning all, I'm back!!  I have another "used" computer and this one runs Windows 95--can you say  S L O W --but I'm very grateful for having it! 
Pelegia, I'd love to download a quilt pic, but how do ya do that on here?  I need "uploading for dummies" or something along those lines. 

I wish I could tell you all how wonderful Mike is doing and he was recoving good, up until last week.  He came home from dialysis Wednsday morning and within an hour, he felt "full" in his chest.  Got so bad so quickly I called 911 again, I've seen the same firefighter in our home 3 times now.  He was very kind and remembered us.
We get to the ER and he is indeed filled with fluid according to the chest x-ray, so they admit him--again--with no answer as to WHY this happened again!  (He had mitral valve replacement and one bypass in September)  On his 6th day there while he's waiting for his walking papers, his doc comes in and says he'd rather mIke stayed there.  The new problem is he's got a tear in the new mitral valve and so the blood is regurgitating, not going where it needs to and MIke's filling up again.  They dialysed him every day he was there and I was surprised they didn't order daily dialysis once we got home.  We go in today for another 'transesophogeal echo on his heart to see how bad the tear is and what they can do for my man about this new problem.
I gotta admit it, I lost it last week after calling 911 for him, seeing the same firefighers and EMT's, but the kindly fireman told me I could ride with him in the ambulance this time--they never let me before--so we rode down to the ER with lights flashing and sirens going off too.  I cried the whole ride down there.

Before we left, that same fireman held both my shoulders and told me I needed to be strong for my husband and I told him, I HAVE been strong for him, but this isn't supposed to be happening again and I am freaking out!

Before releasing him, his doctor told him his heart is too weak to support the new valve, that's what Mikey said he told him.  We have a good repore with this neph and after this test, I'm calling his number--ok, I've been to chicken to call before today, but I need to hear it from him.....then I know what i"m up against.  If a repair is needed, I'll remind all his docs how strong this man of mine IS and proved it to them after fighting endocarditis, double pnemonia, staph and something else....?? 

I so wanted this to be over so we can get back to our "normal" again.  He needs to get back to making our grandsons' "treasure chest" because he's got one more to make after this one.  Things to do.  Grandchildren to play with and make happy.  So much love to go around and to share!!  If anyone can make the finish line, it's my Mikey.  I'm keeping posative for him and our children but inside, I'm scared to death!!!

It's good to be back again among folks who understand where I'm coming from!! 
Odat:  Yes, I did "cold boot" my other computer but it was too far gone for that.  Even a quick kick to the harddrive didn't do a thing, hah.   My step daughter gave it to me 6 years ago and she was surprised it lasted this long. 

Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: paris on October 16, 2008, 09:47:13 AM
Marley, it was so good to see your post.  But, I can't believe Mikey is going through even more.  What an amazing man he is.  And you are a tower of strength. I would have lost it a long time ago.  Please let us know what the neph has to say about all of this.  The two of you can get through this.  Mikey has treasure chests to make!  Those grands will cherish those. What a great thing to make for them.   Sending lots of love, prayers and good thoughts   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: monrein on October 16, 2008, 10:01:47 AM
My thoughts and prayers are still with both of you and here are a couple of hugs too.  :grouphug; :grouphug;
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: pelagia on October 16, 2008, 05:50:26 PM
Dear Marley,  You are one amazing, strong, lady.  I hope this last setback can be resolved.  Your Mikey sounds like an amazing fellow too.  Please send him this from me:  :bestwishes;

and this is for you:  :flower;

p.s. to upload a photo, click on "additional options" and then use the attach feature to attach a photo (e.g. jpg format); don't use preview after that or you'll have to re-attach the photo - just click post
Title: Re: Life after heart surgery
Post by: aharris2 on October 19, 2008, 06:21:04 PM
Marley, you and Mikey will show them what strength is. We're with you!

Alene and Rolando