I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Introduction => Introduction - PLEASE READ THIS SECTION FIRST => Topic started by: okarol on September 17, 2008, 08:28:52 AM

Title: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: okarol on September 17, 2008, 08:28:52 AM
As of this morning ihatedialysis.com has accumulated over 170,000 posts since inception Aug. 2005! Epoman would be so proud!
The number reflects the support and enthusiasm of all our members who visit here every day.
Thank you for being here!

Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: willieandwinnie on September 17, 2008, 08:44:46 AM
:yahoo; How cool is that.  :yahoo; EPOMAN would be so proud.  :cuddle;
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: paris on September 17, 2008, 09:39:24 AM
Not many of us will leave such a legacy behind.  His vision is alive and well thanks to our two marvelous administrators  :grouphug;  And also because some of the best people in the world are the heart and soul of IHD. 
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: aharris2 on September 17, 2008, 10:25:44 AM
wait a darn gosh minute here 170,000 posts? i bet 50,000 of them are because of threads like "last post loves ihd' AND OTHER STUPID threads like that.... ooops did i said stupid out loud? i meant dumb as hell  :rofl;

 :Kit n Stik;
last p loves   rolando
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: kitkatz on September 17, 2008, 05:06:12 PM
 :Kit n Stik;

It is okay. Got to have some fun somewhere!
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: Sluff on September 17, 2008, 08:27:53 PM
Almost 10,000 topics.  :clap;
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: Rerun on September 17, 2008, 09:46:40 PM
wait a darn gosh minute here 170,000 posts? i bet 50,000 of them are because of threads like "last post loves ihd' AND OTHER STUPID threads like that.... ooops did i said stupid out loud? i meant dumb as hell  :rofl;

 :Kit n Stik;
last p loves   rolando

Thank You! 
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: okarol on September 17, 2008, 09:55:30 PM

Stick in the mud!  :P

I like having a break from posting news stories, editing post errors and approving members, so these mindless games are fun for me.  :bandance;

Yeah, I know. I need to get a life.  :rofl;
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: Rerun on September 17, 2008, 09:58:57 PM
Those "dumb as hell" posts do their job.  They drive up our numbers and keep the people who read them..... entertained.
Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: aharris2 on September 18, 2008, 02:39:41 AM
well, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be... i thought all hell was gonna break loose and i'd be called names and, and, and...but i'll take "stick in the mud" over anything, any day.

saludos to all the chicken...err my IHD family :rofl;

Title: Re: IHD is still NUMBER ONE!!
Post by: Ang on September 18, 2008, 02:57:47 AM
was  there  ever  any  doubt

we  are  number  1  and  will  always  be  number  1 :yahoo;

big  thank  you  to  my  fellow  ihd ers (friends  all  of  you) :grouphug; :thumbup;