I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: LifeOnHold on September 13, 2005, 07:45:39 PM

Title: Filling out disability forms
Post by: LifeOnHold on September 13, 2005, 07:45:39 PM
About every five years, I get a 10-page booklet from Social Security that has to be filled out as to why I "still" need dialysis.  This thing asks for how much I spend on food, clothes and rent, plus all the medical stuff.

I discovered that the clearer you are in filling this thing out, the more likely you are to be hassled by Social Security.  So now, I fill it out like I'm a retard-- I cross things out, use a smudgy pen, draw arrows all over the place, and write in the margins in large, scrawling letters as if I'm in the middle of a really big seizure.  Since I've started doing that, I have been left alone.  I was getting all kinds of snippy calls from Social Security reps who wanted documentation up the wazoo as to why someone as young as me was on dialysis-- yeah, lady, I deliberately went into kidney failure so I could get a disability check that won't even pay a third of my rent and makes me choose between food and heat!  Oooh, that's the life for me-- freezing my a** off in front of my 19-inch no-cable TV with a nice big steamin' bowl of ramen noodles, which I've been eating every day for the past two weeks because I only have 25 dollars a week for groceries!  Yep, I admit it!  I just go to dialysis for the hell of it! Needles really turn me on!  You're one shrewd Social Security employee, ma'am!  Homeland Security could use a gal like you!    >:D
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Epoman on September 13, 2005, 08:51:00 PM
About every five years, I get a 10-page booklet from Social Security that has to be filled out as to why I "still" need dialysis.  This thing asks for how much I spend on food, clothes and rent, plus all the medical stuff.

I discovered that the clearer you are in filling this thing out, the more likely you are to be hassled by Social Security.  So now, I fill it out like I'm a retard-- I cross things out, use a smudgy pen, draw arrows all over the place, and write in the margins in large, scrawling letters as if I'm in the middle of a really big seizure.  Since I've started doing that, I have been left alone.  I was getting all kinds of snippy calls from Social Security reps who wanted documentation up the wazoo as to why someone as young as me was on dialysis-- yeah, lady, I deliberately went into kidney failure so I could get a disability check that won't even pay a third of my rent and makes me choose between food and heat!  Oooh, that's the life for me-- freezing my a** off in front of my 19-inch no-cable TV with a nice big steamin' bowl of ramen noodles, which I've been eating every day for the past two weeks because I only have 25 dollars a week for groceries!  Yep, I admit it!  I just go to dialysis for the hell of it! Needles really turn me on!  You're one shrewd Social Security employee, ma'am!  Homeland Security could use a gal like you!    >:D

That's strange I get a thing I have to fill out but it's only for the money I get for my son. I get it yearly. But I have never gotten a call or have to fill out anything for the money I get. I have collected money from Social Security for over 11+ years.

But you get a 9/10 for the rant. ;)
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Iowagirl on September 14, 2005, 07:32:00 AM
Its such crap that sometimes the frustrating part of this fubar of a how is dealing with the gov't and insurance devils.  They the biggest f***ing crackheads I've ever run across! >:D
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Rerun on September 14, 2005, 08:44:52 AM
I posted this somewhere else, but here it is again because this is more appropriate.

Medicare - A federal health insurance program for people who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, age 65 or disabled, or have kidney failure.

That is the true definition.  That is why I/we qualify for Medicare.

I went to sign up for Medicare yesterday.  But, first I went to the dentist... perfect!  Half my face was numb.  No problem qualifying.  Bbbhi I'mbbbll Herebbaa to thine up forrr Meddddatare.

I think I'll schedule a root canal before I go sign up for disability!   

Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Marina on September 21, 2005, 11:31:46 AM
I  know  exactly  what  you  guys  mean.   When  I  went  to  the  SS office  to  sign  up  for  Medicar,  I  got  the  dirtiest  look  from  the  person behind  the  desk.     Then  she  rudely  asked  "AND  WHY  DO  YOU  NEED  MEDICARE?"   I  think  she  wanted  to  ask  "why  the  hell do  you  need  medicare?"
         So  I  told  her  I  was  a renal  failure  patient  on  dialysis,  she  then  changed  her  tone  a  tad.                         
                 I  always  here  how  government  jobs  are  great.   So  why  the  hell are  their  employees  so  GOD  damn  rude?????????????   >:D       If  it's  such a great  job  why  do  they  all seem so  unhappy????????
                       I'll never  understand  that.    ??? ??? ???         
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Rerun on September 21, 2005, 02:56:17 PM
I am a Federal Employee (don't worry.... no offense).  ;D  The reason we are all crabby is because we deal with so many people trying to make a fast buck and take advantage of programs where they don't qualify.  Example:  There was a class action suit against USDA for some people who could prove they were discriminated against.  One form said "Because USDA would not give me a loan, I could not buy a combine to plant my seeds".  If you know anything about agriculture, you know a combine is used to harvest grain..... not plant it.  I could provide tons of examples.  Anyway, just had to defend Federal Workers.  The ones I don't understand are the "Federal" Post Office Workers.   ::) ::)   Why are they so mean!
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Marina on September 21, 2005, 03:10:00 PM
        Sorry   I  didn't  mean to  offend  all federal employees.         but,  all the  ones  I've  met, wether  at  social security  office,  post  office,  city hall, hall of records, DVM  they  have  all being  terrible.  They made  it  seem  like  they  were  doing  me  a favor  by  waiting  on me.  In  fact,   I  help  pay  their  salary.
        but,  I  do  understand  your  point,  there  are  plenty  of  people  out  there  trying  to  pull  a  fast  one  to  make  a  buck.
Title: Post Office people... RUDE!
Post by: LifeOnHold on September 21, 2005, 04:16:36 PM
I passed the Post Office test (I got a 94, my father also took it but only got a 75), and went for training on the electronic sorting machine.  MAN, I have never seen a bigger collection of rude people, from the nurse on up!  The nurse looked at the group of us having our new employee physical and disdainfully sniffed, "Well, they must be really hard up for sorters if they're calling people with scores as low as YOURS!"

Then, down at the digital timeclock, I couldn't figure out how to punch my timecard and asked someone walking by how to do it, and got a snippy "Well, you'd better figure it out if you're gonna work here!"

Back at the training class, every time I started to get more than ten letters in the correct chute, the instructor turned the speed up on my machine until I couldn't get any letters in the right place.  After three days of this crap, I said screw it and went back to my factory job... I can see why post office people have such short fuses, their work environment is enough to make anyone snap!
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Marina on September 22, 2005, 10:07:22 PM
Life  on hold,
             I'm  going  to  forward  your  post  to  a co-worker/ friend of  mine  who  wants  to  work  for  the  post  office, he  can  then  get  an  idea  of  what  kind  of  hell he's  getting  himself  into.      (our  job  is  hell at  times  but,  I  don't  know  if  I  can  even  compare  it  to  that  of  a  postal  worker.      LOL
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Wizard on September 23, 2005, 03:08:02 PM
Believe it or not, I took as much documentation as I could find including a home dialysis chart to ss office and when I arrived I was sitting down with every illegal alien in the county.  When it came my turn to go talk to intake I just handed them the chart and told them "have been on dialysis for over three years and have been sick for over twenty years and they looked up in their system to see if my employer has been paying into the fica and POOF* people were staring at me over cubicles and a superviser looked at me and told me to find my worst anemic day in my chart and that was that.  after going to the nephrologist and being the only english speaking person beside the nurse (and I am not just referring to hispanics) I can almost see the problem. If you are sick stay in your own country.  Other countries do not take medicare. Trust me I had to take a suitcase full of money when I went to Europe to dialyze. Why do we take their people and put them on Medicaid?
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Rerun on September 28, 2005, 11:14:52 PM
Did you happen to see in the news where a Transplant Center in Los Angeles is being shut down for giving a Saudi Nationalist priority over another perons on the list.  Saudi's pay 20 or 30 percent more then we do.  This was for a liver (They don't get medicare) and the cost was $339 thousand.  Who says organs aren't bought and sold...... by the Hospitals.  They said this "rarely" happens.  Yeah, in my opinion.... they just got caught.   :-\
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Epoman on September 29, 2005, 02:03:54 PM
Did you happen to see in the news where a Transplant Center in Los Angeles is being shut down for giving a Saudi Nationalist priority over another perons on the list.  Saudi's pay 20 or 30 percent more then we do.  This was for a liver (They don't get medicare) and the cost was $339 thousand.  Who says organs aren't bought and sold...... by the Hospitals.  They said this "rarely" happens.  Yeah, in my opinion.... they just got caught.   :-\

Darla, Darla, Darla, you should have made this a new post.  ;) you still can if you want!  :P
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: cabarle on October 22, 2005, 02:15:15 PM
This is one of the reasons why I chose to go to the VA. I was a federal employee and with OPM & Social Security screwing around with the rules of disability, it was more advantagous for me to accept my "OPM RETIREMENT" rather than file for SS. For every dollar SS would give me, OPM would deduct from my retirement pay. I decided to dialize at the VA since my renal failure was service connection. They wanted to me file a claim with SS, but I declined.
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Rerun on October 22, 2005, 10:49:05 PM
I work for The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was told that I had to file with SS and if they approved my disability retirement then USDA would.  Hmmmm I'll have to research that a little more.  I'm not going to file until the first of the year because I want to change insurance companies.  ???  Thanks for the heads up.
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: Rerun on January 06, 2006, 04:55:46 PM
If you scroll back up to September 14, I said that I filed for Medicare.  All I had to do was take this form (2070 or something) back to the dialysis center and have them have the Dr. fill it out and then FAX it back to the Social Security Office.  I know there is a 3 month waiting period, so I started getting concerned in December when I hadn't received anything from Medicare..... no premium bill or anything.  So, I questioned the stupid Social Worker and she had someone else come over to tell me it didn't get faxed.  I was tethered to the dialysis chair so I couldn't get out and hit her.  So they "said" they faxed it again on December 16.  FINE!  Here it is January and nothing from Medicare.  So I tried calling the SS office I went there and shoved a note under the door!!  Finally I called the stupid social worker and told her that I wanted to make sure Medicare got the FAX.  Well, guess what.  They didn't!  I was so PISSED!  I called the DaVita office and demanded to speak to the director.  The gal said "Is this concerning your 2027?"  I said "yes."  She said "we just FAXed it."  I said "Okay, I want to see the FAX confirmation from December 16."  She said "we don't keep those."  I flipped out and tried to make her feel incompetent if nothing else.... You don't KEEP those?  Medicare is paying for this and it is pretty important to me to get it started.  She apologized up and down, but I'm not satisfied!  I want someone fired!  I can see one screw up but TWO and with ME who they KNOW will blow UP!!   >:D
Title: Re: Filling out disability forms
Post by: okarol on July 06, 2007, 10:25:17 PM
I posted this somewhere else, but here it is again because this is more appropriate.

Medicare - A federal health insurance program for people who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, age 65 or disabled, or have kidney failure.

That is the true definition.  That is why I/we qualify for Medicare.

I went to sign up for Medicare yesterday.  But, first I went to the dentist... perfect!  Half my face was numb.  No problem qualifying.  Bbbhi I'mbbbll Herebbaa to thine up forrr Meddddatare.

I think I'll schedule a root canal before I go sign up for disability!   



Jenna got a form from SSI disability asking if she feels better since June 2005 - uhh how do you mean exactly?? Better - off dialysis YES! But the way the form is written is so confusing you don't know what you're agreeing to. Guess we will find out soon enough.